If I Have Sex With A Guy That I Know Has A Girlfriend, Does That Make Me A Bad Person?

If I Have Sex With A Guy That I Know Has A Girlfriend, Does That Make Me A Bad Person?A bad person is so much more than someone who has sex with a guy that they know has a girlfriend.

In this particular instance, you are looking out for yourself.

You are attracted to this guy and want to have sex with him.

Human beings are naturally selfish creatures, and we want what we want.

That being said, we are also nuanced.

We are a combination of good and bad.

There is no human being out there who hasn’t done something bad or morally questionable.

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Does that mean that all human beings are bad?

It’s far more complicated than that.

Human beings are innately good, but we do have good and bad elements to our character.

To this end, we pick and choose when and where we do bad.

But, comfort ourselves in knowing that most of the time, we do good.

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This is where you stand at the moment.

You are mostly good, but thinking about doing something bad or questionable, and now you are weighing just how bad having sex with this guy compares to all the good you have done in your life.

As human beings, when we are thinking about doing an act that is bad or questionable, we wager how good of a person we are in general.

If we believe that we are far more good than we are bad, we use that as our license to indulge in that bad act.

So, how good are you?

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This is how you get an answer to this dilemma.

Every human being confronts these moments at different times in their lives.

A person gets to an ATM machine and discovers a bunch of cash inside the tray that wasn’t taken.

She contemplates whether it is morally bad for her to take this money, given that it is sitting there.

She takes the money and keeps herself from having a guilty conscience about it, considering that she regards herself to be a generally good person.

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And for once, it is okay to break the rules and do something that is questionable or bad.

With this justification in her mind, she takes the money.

A person heads to a store.

There are no empty parking spaces closer to the store, but for a handicap spot.

She contemplates whether she should park in the handicap spot.

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At that moment, she quickly goes through how many good deeds she has done in her life and convinces herself that doing something bad or questionable in this one instance, doesn’t make her a bad person.

Using this logic, she parks in the handicap spot.

You see, this is how we excuse ourselves when we are considering doing something bad or questionable.

We measure how good of a person we have been, and tell ourselves that it is alright to be bad this one time.

How good of a person are you?

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What are the percentages?

Are you 90 percent good, and 10 percent bad?

Whatever the percentages, as long as it is disparate, with the good being the high number, it’s far easier for you to justify having sex with a guy that you know has a girlfriend, and not feel guilty about it.

Having sex with this guy does not make you a bad person.

It means that you have done a bad thing.

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Like every human being on this planet, doing a bad deed at brief moments in life is inevitable.

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