I Have A Huge Crush On My Manager But I Don’t Want To Make The Wrong Move And Make Things Weird With Her

I Have A Huge Crush On My Manager But I Don't Want To Make The Wrong Move And Make Things Weird With HerThere have been several moments where you believe your manager has shown signs of romantic interest towards you.

She smiles at you frequently, and makes a lot of eye contact.

She seems to find reasons to talk to you, regardless of whether it’s called for or not.

All of this has led to you developing a huge crush on her.

That being said, you don’t want to make the wrong move and make things weird with her.

First and foremost, she is your manager.

The last thing you want to do is create tension at work.

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Yet, this doesn’t change the fact that you have a huge crush on her.

You think about her plenty, including when you aren’t at work.

These are moments when you are wondering about what she is doing, and whether she is thinking of you too.

All of this makes you want to get back to work to see her again, making you one of the few people in the world aching to get back to work at the end of the weekend.

Keep in mind that she is your manager.

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To this end, she already knows that there is a power dynamic.

She is naturally conscious that she is in a position of authority, and there is sure to be a concern about taking advantage of a subordinate at work, if she were to pursue a romantic relationship with you.

This perception creates an impediment in her mind that is hard to break through at work.

To break through this mental impediment, you are better off finding ways to meet her outside of work.

Meet her for Happy Hour whenever the office is doing so as a group at a local bar or pub.

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This puts your manager outside of work.

She is looser in this environment, knowing that she isn’t having to manage a bunch of employees as she does at the office.

It makes it easier for her to talk to you without a constant worry that there is a power dynamic and she is your superior.

Plus, with the added benefit of alcohol, she is far less professional and more open to conversation that strays into her personal life.

This is actually a good time to find out whether she is seeing someone or has a boyfriend.

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Yes, you absolutely have to know whether she is seeing someone or has a boyfriend.

The last thing you want is to spend weeks and months having a crush on this manager, only to find out that she is seeing someone or has a boyfriend.

This is heart-wrenching and such a downer.

To avoid this, find out whether she is seeing someone or has a boyfriend as you talk to her at Happy Hour.

If your office never goes to Happy Hour, think about inviting her to a party that you are hosting.

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To do this the right way so that it doesn’t seem like you are singling her out, invite other coworkers that she is familiar with.

This gives you safety in numbers, and gives her the impression that this is more of a social event as opposed to you inviting her to a one-on-one engagement.

Make the party fun.

This is where you get to sequester her company and talk to her.

Yet again, this is an environment outside of the workplace, making it easier for her to loosen up and get personal with you.

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If she really enjoys the party and your company, it’s likely that she returns the favor and invites you to a future social event that she is partaking in.

The time after that, you invite her to another social event.

This is how you build a rapport with her over time, having already established that she isn’t seeing someone and doesn’t have a boyfriend.

If there is romantic chemistry, it becomes apparent in a few weeks, and this finally leads to one-on-one dates.

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