I Found Out I Went On A Date With A Criminal. Why Is It So Hard To Find A Decent Man Nowadays?

I Found Out I Went On A Date With A Criminal. Why Is It So Hard To Find A Decent Man Nowadays?Sadly, you found out that you went out on a date with a criminal.

But, there were warning signs about him that you chose to ignore.

How many times did he say or do something that made you pause or flinch, but you chose to excuse it?

You excused these red flags by reminding yourself about all the great qualities about him that you like.

It was thrilling to be with this guy.

He had a cockiness to him that grabbed your attention.

Notwithstanding, it didn’t take long before you found out that he was a criminal.

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The fact that you are finding it hard to find a decent man nowadays means that you have a history of choosing men who have questionable character.

There is no good reason for you to be struggling to find decent men when there are so many decent men all around you.

The issue is that you are choosing not to see or acknowledge these decent men.

When he hands you over your favorite coffee latte at your favorite coffee shop in the morning, you don’t acknowledge him.

When he brings a delivery to your door and hands you the paperwork to sign, you barely acknowledge him.

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When he bags your groceries at the local grocery store, you don’t acknowledge him.

You see, there are lots of decent men that you come across on a daily basis, but you don’t see, acknowledge, or care for them.

You are drawn to men who have personality traits that are thrilling and exciting.

Just like the guy you dated who ended up being a criminal.

The red flags were there, but you chose to ignore them.

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As long as you keep getting lost in the thrill of dating a guy that is unpredictable and exciting, you will keep dating guys like the criminal.

The next guy you meet who gets your temperature up on account of his good looks and how exciting he is, isn’t necessarily going to be a criminal.

But, as long as he has the same personality traits and lifestyle, there are bound to be unsavory aspects about him.

This is where his charm transitions into verbal abuse, and his protectiveness turns into physical abuse, where he hits you from time to time.

At this stage, you are not strong enough to leave him because you have fallen for him emotionally.

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Next thing you know, you are staying in the relationship longer than you should, desperate that he changes.

All you want is for him to love you like you love him.

As a result, you stick it out.

But he doesn’t change.

And next thing you know, you are completely stuck and powerless to free yourself from him.

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Is this where you want to be in the future?

Listen, decent men are everywhere you go.

If you take a moment and acknowledge them, you will be surprised at how many of them would be happy to date you.

The choice is yours.

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