How To Know When A Guy Is Flirting With You And Showing Romantic Interest

How To Know When A Guy Is Flirting With You And Showing Romantic InterestA guy that is flirting with you teases you.

He makes it fun, not ill-mannered.

He wants you to be a little self-conscious about what he is teasing you about, but not take it personally.

To have this effect, he laces it with humor.

Humor shatters the notion in your mind that he was attacking you personally.

This makes you relax.

That is what he wants.

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He wants to loosen you up, get the tenseness out of the air.

But, he wants you to get the notion that the conversation won’t be predictable at all.

He knows that this is exciting for a woman.

In teasing you about your hair, clothes, mannerisms, accent, etc., he is leaving the door open to much more.

You don’t know what he is teasing you about next, which keeps you on your toes.

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There is a little thrill in you, but some nerves too.

The curiosity is stirring.

You like how smooth he is with his words and how confident he is in having the gumption to tease you.

This makes you excited to see where else he leads the conversation.

When a guy is flirting with you, he gets closer to you physically.

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He doesn’t do it all at once.

As he talks to you and eases you into a conversation, he takes a step closer into your personal space.

He is careful as he does this.

He doesn’t want to get too far into your personal space without you being ready.

That is why he takes his time in doing it.

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As he warms you up to him and observes that your body language is loosening, he takes a step closer.

The intention is to get close enough that it is easier for him to touch you.

He knows that as long as you aren’t backing away, you are unconsciously allowing him to get further and further into your personal space.

This lets him know that you are getting more and more comfortable and relaxed with him.

You are feeling secure with him, not intimidated.

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This emboldens him to get closer.

Once he has closed in, he uses touch to flirt with you.

Every so often, he touches your hand, face, shoulder, etc.

He doesn’t linger for long at first.

He wants to gauge how you respond to his touch.

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When he sees that you aren’t reacting negatively to the light touching, the duration of his touches increase.

He is keeping his hand on your hand for longer stretches of time, looking into your eyes and sustaining eye contact.

He is combining several flirting techniques in this moment.

He is using sustained touch to create a physical connection, proximity to foster intimacy, and sustained eye contact to keep your undivided attention.

Finally, he waits for that special moment.

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The moment where he is staring deep into your eyes without saying a word, and you are doing the same.

For a moment, lost in each other’s gaze.

This confirms to him that you are as into him, as he is into you.

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