How Do I Deal With Multiple Girls Crushing On Me At The Same Time?

How Do I Deal With Multiple Girls Crushing On Me At The Same Time?It’s an abundance of female attention that makes you the envy of most men.

But don’t let it get to your head.

Needless to say, a choice must be made.

Multiple girls crushing on you means that there is ample opportunity to decipher which one is your most compatible match.

To do this, ask these girls out on official dates.

No, don’t waste any further time basking in all of the attention they are giving you.

The sooner you start going out on official dates with these girls, the sooner you know which one is your best and most compatible match.

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When guys find themselves in your situation, they are tempted to delay doing anything proactive in terms of taking the girls out on official dates.

Instead, they want to prolong the amount of time they get to bask in all of the attention that these girls are giving them.

This isn’t smart.

Although it feels good to have multiple girls crushing on you, it doesn’t mean that this is a forever thing.

At some point, if you haven’t made a definitive move on these girls by taking them out on official dates, you will lose them.

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Yes, lose them.

These girls aren’t waiting on you to ask them out on official dates indefinitely.

There is an expiration date.

This is when they get tired of giving you all of their attention without any reward, and they move on.

As girls, they are constantly getting approached by guys.

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It won’t be long before they develop a new crush on a different guy and leave you behind.

This new crush won’t make the same mistake you did.

He is taking her out on official dates, and before you know it, they are in an exclusive relationship.

All of a sudden, the girl that was crushing on you so hard only a few short weeks ago, is walking arm in arm with her new boyfriend.

This isn’t a pleasant sight.

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The moment you see it, you are jealous and thinking about why that isn’t you she is walking with arm in arm.

It isn’t you because you took her attention for granted.

You got too lost in the attention you were getting from her while she was crushing on you, and chose to keep absorbing it for far too long.

She got tired of it and opened herself up to someone else.

All of this crushing that these girls are bestowing on you won’t last forever.

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Begin the process of taking them out on official dates, and find out who you have the most romantic chemistry with.

Once this is established, court her wholeheartedly and see where it leads.

This is how you deal with multiple girls crushing on you.

Instead of wasting time basking in all of their attention, ask them out on official dates.

The sooner you do this, the sooner you find out which one of these girls you are most compatible with.

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I know that you feel really good whenever these girls are crushing on you, and there is a temptation to keep it going without having to take the serious step of asking them out on dates.

As aforementioned, your window of opportunity with these girls won’t last forever.

One day you are waking up and realizing that none of these girls are crushing on you anymore.

Just like that, you have lost out on all of them, and it is too late to do anything about it.

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