Found Out That A Woman That Has Shown An Interest In Me In Class, Has A Boyfriend In The Same Class

Found Out That A Woman That Has Shown An Interest In Me In Class, Has A Boyfriend In The Same ClassAn attractive woman that has been giving you consistent eye contact in class is hard to ignore.

She has done this several times, including getting physically close to you.

All of this has been enjoyable to say the least, and your ego has soared, but you now know that she has a boyfriend.

In the same class.

This news was a shocker, given how much interest she has shown towards you in class.

There hasn’t been a single day that has gone by without her showing an interest in you, whether it be through eye contact or physical proximity.

Yet, she has a boyfriend in the same class.

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That explains the searing looks you have received from him, whenever she has shown an interest in you through her body language.

It’s not like you knew he was her boyfriend when this all began.

You do now.

But, you have a dilemma.

All these weeks of attention from this girl has caused you to think about her incessantly outside of class.

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You have wondered about what her day is like when she isn’t in class.

You have been curious about what she likes to do in her free time and whether some of your pastimes correlate with yours.

She has been in your thoughts to such an extent that you have gone to sleep thinking about her, looking forward to seeing her the next day in class.

Having learned that she has a boyfriend in the same class, the obvious thing to do would have been to end this little romantic interlude.

Yet, since you learned that she has a boyfriend, none of this has kept you from thinking about her.

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You keep looking forward to seeing her in class, despite the fact that she has a boyfriend in the same class.

There have been several moments where you have thought about the likelihood of her leaving her boyfriend.

After all, she continues giving you her attention, constantly making eye contact with you and getting physically close to you in class.

The idea that she wants to leave her boyfriend for you has been a frequent thought in your mind, and has given you hope that this could be a possibility.

It isn’t.

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This is the uncomfortable truth, but you have to hear it.

She is brazenly showing you signs of interest in class because she wants to make her boyfriend jealous.

She is fully aware that he knows what she is doing, given that she is being so obvious about it.

She wants her boyfriend to see that she is desirable to other men.

Her objective is to punish him for a grievance that has gone unresolved.

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What is her grievance with her boyfriend?

He cheated on her.

Has taken her for granted.

Doesn’t take her out on dates anymore.

Is forever on his phone and never pays attention to her.

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Has an ex-girlfriend he won’t stop talking to.

There are a multitude of reasons why a girl would blatantly try to make her boyfriend jealous.

However, it doesn’t matter what it is.

All that matters is that she is blatantly trying to make her boyfriend jealous by using you as her pawn.

A girl that puts in this much consistent effort to make her boyfriend jealous still has feelings for him.

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This means that she isn’t emotionally available to you.

Sorry, she isn’t leaving her boyfriend for you.

The sooner you realize that, the sooner you stop giving her your attention in class and move on.

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