Does Rejection Motivate You Or Cause Psychological Depression In Your Mind?

Does Rejection Motivate You Or Cause Psychological Depression In Your Mind?As human beings, we are inclined to personalize rejection, believing it to be our fault.

We are far too harsh on ourselves when we get rejected.

The truth is, we aren’t always rejected based on a shortfall we have in our looks, personality, career, socio-economic level, ethnicity, background, religion, etc.

Many a time, we get rejected based on what the other person is going through in their lives at that moment.

For example, she has recently gone through a difficult breakup and is recovering from it.

In this case, she doesn’t reject you based on anything to do with you.

She rejects you based on not being emotionally available to anyone.

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She continues to grapple with the emotional repercussions of a breakup and is taking time out to heal.

Sadly, as human beings, we rarely think about being rejected from this angle.

An angle where a person rejects you due to not being at a stage in their lives where dating is on their radar.

Besides grappling with a difficult breakup that has her emotionally unavailable to anyone, there are a slew of circumstances where a woman rejects you without it having anything to do with any shortfalls you believe you have.

There are women who are so focused on their education and careers that they have no time to date.

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There are those who have family obligations such as taking care of elderly and sickly parents, which preoccupies so much of her time, she isn’t available to date.

In addition, there are women who are so shy and self-conscious, they struggle to accept a date from a guy, worried that he will think her too socially awkward and strange to date.

You see, there are a plethora of reasons why a woman rejects a guy and it doesn’t have to do with his shortfalls on every occasion.

This being said, there are times when she does reject you for your shortfalls.

Guys are far too quick to fall back on feeling sorry for themselves when this happens, instead of looking at it as an opportunity to better themselves.

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If you are overweight and a girl rejects you for that, this is an opportunity to use that as your motivation to lose weight and get fit.

She is attractive.

That is why you approached her in the first place.

She has every right to look for an equal value exchange.

If she is physically fit and you aren’t, it isn’t fair to expect her to be attracted to you.

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It is only fair when you lose weight or make up for being overweight in other areas such as notoriety, wealth, charisma, etc.

The smart guy uses rejection to motivate him.

He knows that of all the serious factors that can trigger psychological depression, getting rejected by a girl isn’t one of them.

There are far too many women in this world who are of romantic potential.

When you have an abundance mindset, you are never depressed over a rejection because you know that there are so many dating options out there.

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The guys who get psychologically depressed when a woman rejects them were already psychologically depressed.

These are men who don’t have a whole lot going for them in life.

No real hobbies, goals, skills, etc.

They spend most of their time thinking about that one girl that they like so much in class or at work.

She is everything to them.

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Once she rejects them, it is like their whole world has collapsed.

All because they had a scarcity mindset in singling out this one girl as the girl of their dreams, and not having an active life of their own.

Studies have shown that the people with the highest propensity for psychological depression are those that have no hobbies, no social life, and no drive.

As long as you don’t embody these negative elements, you never have to worry about psychological depression.

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