Do Men Come Back After They Wronged A Girl That They Dated In The Past?

Do Men Come Back After They Wronged A Girl That They Dated In The Past?Men do come back to a girl that they dated and wronged in the past.

Given his pride and ego, he was reluctant to admit that he was in the wrong at the time.

He acted as though you were the one in the wrong, not wanting to fess up to the fact that he was the one that was deceitful.

Inevitably, the relationship crumbled and you parted ways.

Nevertheless, he won’t stay away forever.

Once they have had the time to get away and reflect, guys do come back.

It takes time for a reflection to happen, given that guys are prone to suppressing their feelings.

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He dates around at first, wanting to keep himself from assuming responsibility for why his relationship with you fell apart.

Several of these girls aren’t treated all that fairly.

Being that he isn’t emotionally available to them, these relationships ultimately lead nowhere.

Eventually, he has to confront the feelings that he has been repressing since his breakup with you.

That is when he finally owns up to his culpability for the breakup.

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He realizes and accepts that he was the one that wronged you.

This is when he chooses to come back.

Guys process their feelings after the fact, as opposed to in the moment.

This is the reason why guys are inclined to come back to their past girlfriends almost without fail.

Although the idea that he comes back has a degree of appeal to you, be circumspect.

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When you remain emotionally attached to a guy that you dated in the past, you are susceptible to taking him back without thinking through it.

The truth is, he wronged you.

That hasn’t changed.

What he did is relevant.

By taking him back without putting that much thought into it, you expose yourself to a future where he wrongs you again.

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Sadly, people repeat bad behavior when they are given a lifeline.

This is especially true when they aren’t made to atone for what they did.

By taking him back without consequences, you are subconsciously giving him the impression that what he did wasn’t all that bad, and that repeating the same behavior in the foreseeable future is permissible.

Without making him atone, he believes he has been let off the hook.

Needless to say, taking him back mustn’t be done lightly.

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If you choose to do so, there has to be a preliminary period where he demonstrates that he has learned his lesson and won’t repeat his bad behavior.

This means that he has to woo you all over again, over an extended period of time.

You can’t sleep with him during this time either.

Yes, sadly, sex has to be delayed indefinitely.

Guys that come back are horny.

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If you give him sex too soon, you give him the impression that all is forgiven, and there is no requirement for him to show you that he has made the necessary changes to his behavior.

A guy who has sincerely changed and believes he wronged you, has the patience to woo you all over again without expecting sex or that much else.

He is so devoted to showing you that he is a changed man, he is prepared to go through the gauntlet to prove it to you.

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