Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?

Do Girls Subconsciously Like Being Told What To Do By A Male Partner?Girls are genetically predisposed to like men who lead.

These are men who take charge and do what must be done to protect her and to provide.

This instinct is innate and profound.

There is a reason why girls are reputed to like bad boys, and have had this proclivity throughout the ages.

No, it’s not because they want to be mistreated and insulted by him.

It’s because bad boys have masculine traits that appeal to her innate desire to be protected and provided for.

He is prepared to defend her at a moment’s notice.

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He is confident enough in himself that he never lets her walk all over him.

This means that he sets boundaries.

This is manly behavior that compels her to respect him.

There are lots of girls that want to know that their guy is on top of things.

She doesn’t want to have to do everything.

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She wants to know that he can handle what needs to be done without her having to be constantly on him like she would a child.

To this end, she doesn’t mind being told what to do by the right guy.

Not just any guy.

The right guy.

He has to be worth it.

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She won’t listen to him on the mere fact that he is a man.

She only listens to him because she respects him and knows that he has proven that he can handle the responsibilities that come with life whether it be at work, home, or society at large.

This is the kind of guy that she listens to.

A guy of whose judgment she trusts.

There are plenty of women who are in relationships where they are the ones telling their men what to do.

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It gets to be too much after a while.

She is the one playing the masculine role and it is not fun.

It means that she has to be on his case all the time, when all she wants to do is let him lead and she follow him.

Too many men in modern day society are weak.

They are too afraid to set boundaries nor lead in relationships.

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This has left the leadership to the women that they date.

Although the initial thrill of being the boss in the relationship is intoxicating to her, it gets old after a while.

She realizes that she wants to be in her feminine energy more often, and he isn’t making it easy for her to do that.

She is having to order him around and tell him what to do and he is complying like a lapdog would.

This isn’t what she wants.

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This isn’t what most women want, even those who are big bosses at work.

Even a big boss wants to turn that side of herself off when she gets home.

As a big boss at work, she has to be in her masculine energy.

She is ordering her subordinates around, male and female alike.

She is heading conference meetings and conference calls.

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She is looking at pie charts, inventory, and profit margins.

She is exhausted.

All she wants to do is come home and fall into the arms of a man that is in charge.

She doesn’t want to have to make decisions when she is outside of the office.

She wants to leave that to her man.

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Even this woman, a boss babe so to speak, doesn’t want to be in her masculine energy all the time.

Yes, women subconsciously like being told what to do, but it has to come from a man that has earned that privilege and she respects.

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