Do Girls Really Online Stalk Every Man From Their Past?

Do Girls Really Online Stalk Every Man From Their Past?Girls do online stalk men from their past.

Not every single man from her past, but quite a few of them, and especially those she developed an emotional attachment to.

These moments mostly occur while she is single, at moments where she is having relationship issues with a new boyfriend, or she is bored.

For many, it’s a coping mechanism.

Her aspiration is that he isn’t doing better than she is in life.

This is a human curiosity that isn’t unusual, given that she was emotionally invested in him as her partner in the past.

When someone has been affected on an emotional level by someone else, it isn’t easily turned off.

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Some of the emotions remain present to an extent, especially soon after a breakup.

Thanks to estrogen, which is a sex hormone that has a significant effect on a woman’s emotions, she does give in to her curiosity about the man she once dated.

This is when she stalks him online.

As aforementioned, she doesn’t want to see that he is doing better than she is in life.

To this effect, she is curious about what is going on in his life and who he is dating.

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Women have the highest likelihood of online stalking a man they dated from their past in the immediate aftermath of a breakup, and in moments she feels lonely or bored.

Although, it does make you worry that a woman does this, it doesn’t mean that she wants to get back with the man.

Women are the ones who generally end relationships by far.

By the time they do it, they have already emotionally reconciled with their decision.

It doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few emotional nuggets left behind, but for the most part, they are over him.

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That being said, there are moments in time, when she gets curious about an ex and looks him up online.

It doesn’t mean that she is looking to get back with him.

She is curious about what he is doing with his life and who he is dating.

If his life seems interesting and he is dating someone that appears to be more attractive than she is, she online stalks him for a little longer than she would have if his life and new girlfriend were fairly mundane.

Even then, she doesn’t online stalk him for days, weeks, and months on end.

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Once her curiosity is satiated, she is done online stalking him within a day or two.

The women who go all in with online stalking a man from their past are the ones whose relationships ended badly or who didn’t get closure.

It becomes an obsession for them to see what the man is doing.

Not only is she of the mind that she wants him to be miserable without her, she is looking for clues that he is thinking about her, and regrets ending the relationship with her.

She hasn’t emotionally reconciled her feelings.

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She remains fully emotionally invested in him.

This is the woman that is the most worrisome.

When a relationship doesn’t end on a woman’s terms, she is far more likely to online stalk a man from her past than a woman who ended a relationship on her terms.

When you notice a girl obsessively online stalk a man from her past for hours each day, and for weeks and months on end, she has an unhealthy obsession with him and hasn’t moved on from the relationship.

Be weary of this woman and avoid dating her.

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She isn’t emotionally available to you or any man besides her ex.

Any man she does choose to date is for the selfish purpose of making her ex jealous and boosting her severely damaged self-esteem.

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