Category Archives: Courtship

Is It Normal For A Skinny Guy To Fall For A Woman Who’s Overweight?

Is It Normal For A Skinny Guy To Fall For A Woman Who's Overweight?There are instances where opposites attract.

There have been several moments where you witnessed this phenomenon in public but didn’t realize it.

These are the moments where a skinny guy with an overweight woman have walked passed you, and you didn’t think much of it.

All of a sudden, you are in a situation where you are now the skinny guy walking with an overweight woman.

A situation you never actually envisioned yourself in, until now.

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How Do I Stop Oversharing My Thoughts And Experiences To The Man I Like?

How Do I Stop Oversharing My Thoughts And Experiences To The Man I Like?The impetus to overshare happens when you are getting too comfortable too quickly with a man you like.

When you are dating a man you like, and form an emotional connection with him, you can’t help but overshare.

Your thoughts and experiences come to the forefront of your mind and you are severely tempted to reveal them.

There is an aspiration that he is someone you can trust and feel safe with.

Much of the reason why you overshare so quickly with a man you like is based on insecurity.

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How To Keep A Man Interested In You Without Turning Him Off

How To Keep A Man Interested In You Without Turning Him OffA man that is interested in you is bonding with you on several levels.

You are engaging with him in doing activities that he loves to do.

This is especially true when you are doing activities with him that nearly all girls don’t do.

Girls aren’t inclined to get underneath his car to assist him in fixing it.

They aren’t all that into playing sports with him.

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Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?

Should I Be Worried That All Plans To Meet Up Are Initiated By Me And Never Her?In the early stages of courtship, a girl is less inclined to initiate dates.

She usually lets the guy plan the meetups.

In doing this, she keeps herself from being too presumptuous or aggressive.

Yes, she believes that she is the one that should be pursued.

To this end, she doesn’t want to be the one that leads.

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