Can Dating A Toxic Woman Ruin A Guy Personally, Socially, And Professionally?

Can Dating A Toxic Woman Ruin A Guy Personally, Socially, And Professionally?Dating a toxic woman can ruin a guy personally, socially, and professionally.

The negative impact a toxic woman has in your life seeps into every facet of it.

It negatively affects how you look at yourself as a person and what you believe in.

Additionally, the social relationships you have with friends, family, and coworkers are negatively impacted, and your professional life is hampered by her shenanigans.

A toxic girlfriend that is blowing up your phone while you are at work, berating you for not replying to her texts and phone calls, is tough to handle when you are dealing with the pressures of the workplace.

There is so much drama that you invite into your life by dating a toxic woman.

Plenty of men miscalculate in excusing toxic behavior, even when it appears early in dating.

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They get too caught up in how good-looking she is, and decide to ignore her toxicity or live with it.

Regrettably, they live to regret it when in the space of a few months, they have suffered a series of losses.

He loses good friends who no longer want to be around the toxicity of his girlfriend whenever they hang out with him.

He loses a sense of his own personal identity when she has repeatedly kept him from participating in his hobbies and interests.

He loses the closeness he once had with family members, as she has succeeded in keeping him from them and filled his head with why they are nothing in comparison to her.

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A toxic woman doesn’t care about how much toxicity she is inflicting into your life.

She cares about getting the attention she craves and feeling validated.

She doesn’t care that you are at a meeting at work and mustn’t be interrupted.

She is blowing up your phone yelling about why you haven’t replied to her text messages and phone calls.

She doesn’t care that you want to go out and partake in a hobby or interest, she is yelling at you for abandoning her, and accusing you of going off to cheat on her with an imaginary girl.

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She doesn’t care that you haven’t seen your family in weeks and want to catch up with a few of them at a local restaurant, she is insisting you stay with her at home and throws a temper tantrum if you don’t.

A toxic woman is all about herself and her own self-aggrandizement.

If her emotional needs aren’t getting met, no matter how over the top they are, she is letting you hear it in no uncertain terms.

Maintaining control of the relationship is critical to her.

This means that she is in control of how you think and operate in the relationship.

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Doing anything that is beneficial to you as a person through partaking in your hobbies and interests is impermissible without her say-so.

Meeting friends and family is impermissible without her say-so.

Getting ahead at work and striving for career success is impermissible without her say-so.

It’s all about an underbelly of control.

Any pushback from you isn’t welcome and she punishes you for it by making you feel guilty or spreading bad rumors about you.

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Dating a toxic woman does ruin you if you choose to stay in said relationship for a sustained period of time.

Sadly, there are no guarantees that you ever recover from the negative effects of her toxicity long after your relationship with her is over.

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