Alas, you keep making a miscalculation in seeking out men that are similar to your ex.
When you find one, you put a significant amount of pressure on him to give you the same physiological and psychological stimuli that you got from your ex.
In doing this, you are already setting him up for failure.
He isn’t your ex.
Yet, you picked him due to the outward similarities he has with your ex in looks and temperament.
Once you do this, it’s inevitable that you expect him to make you feel loved in exactly the same fashion as did your ex.
There is an overall expectation that he gets to a point where he loves you more or similarly to how your ex loved you.
To get to this level of love, you expect that he sleeps with you in the same style as your ex, connects with your friends and family members just as profoundly, and is adept at reading your thoughts and emotions, knowing exactly what makes you feel loved at any given moment.
With such an expectation of him, and so much of it tied to how your ex showed his love for you, it’s no wonder that you have struggled to find anyone who loves you more than or similar to your ex.
You place so much of an expectation on any guy you date to be as similar in temperament as your ex, you become unrealistic.
These men that you have dated since your ex aren’t your ex.
They are their own individuals.
You keep searching for a guy that is the carbon copy of your ex because you want to got through the same feelings that your ex triggered in you.
You are craving those feelings, and this has caused you to be guided by your emotions as opposed to your common sense.
These men that you keep seeking out are incapable of replicating the emotional experience you had with your ex.
In expecting every guy you date to be the mirror copy of your ex, and anticipating that they give you the same emotional experience that you had with your ex, you have been inadvertently blocking yourself off from any new means of experiencing love.
When all you seek is the same style by which your ex made you feel loved, you close yourself off to the alternatives.
As human beings, there are a variety of ways that we can fall in love and feel loved in return.
The men you date have there own unique styles in how they fall in love and get a woman to fall in love with them.
You aren’t letting them go about this naturally.
By contrast, you want them to say and do things you remember that your ex did, thinking that this is how you will get to feel like you are loved more than or similar to your ex.
The truth is, these men can use the exact words that your ex did, and replicate the exact behavior your ex exhibited, but none of this changes the fact that they aren’t your ex.
Doing all of this in the same manner as your ex wouldn’t feel natural to who they are and how they love.
These are the words that you want to hear repeated to you because your ex used to use them on you and they made you feel loved.
These words won’t have the same impact coming from a new man.
Rather than looking to recreate the same experience you had with your ex, open yourself up to a new experience.
As human beings, we are capable of finding different paths to love.
Get out of the pattern of dating men who look like and act like your ex on the surface.
Get outside of your comfort zone by dating men who aren’t what you have dated in the past.
Open yourself up to what they uniquely bring to a relationship, and let go of the idea that you want to replicate what you had with your ex.
This acknowledgment frees your mind, opening it up to a multitude of avenues that lead to love.