Does It Mean Something If A Guy Keeps Approaching You At An Engagement Party?

Does It Mean Something If A Guy Keeps Approaching You At An Engagement Party?Observe how the guy is behaving with the other guests at the engagement party.

There are guys who are very gregarious and extroverted by nature.

At an engagement party, it isn’t unusual for a guy like this to bounce from person to person, or group to group, to join in on a conversation or instigate one.

Watch this guy.

Does he keep approaching you as much as he has been approaching everyone else at the engagement party?

A guy that is approaching you as much as he is everyone else is being social.

As a gregarious and extroverted person, he won’t stay with any one person or group for too long before moving on to the next.

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As much as he loves chatting, he gets bored fairly quickly and requires rejuvenation by moving on to someone else or a different group of people, and feeding off their energy.

It’s critical that you don’t misconstrue the fact that he keeps approaching you at an engagement party as a sign that he is interested in you, when he is doing the same thing with a bevy of guests at the party.

Now, there are caveats to this.

If you notice that whenever he moves on to another person or group of people to talk to, they look back in your direction as he talks to them, this is a different story.

This means that he is talking to them about you.

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You have left an impression on him and he is intrigued enough to bring you up as a topic of discussion when he is socializing with this person or group.

What is he telling them about you?

Think back to what you were most recently talking about while he was engaging with you.

Were there any moments during that conversation where there was a passionate or emotional reaction from him?

If there was, this is likely what he has brought up with the new person or group of people that he is now talking to.

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This means that you had a lasting impact on him, and he is curious to see the group’s reaction to what he learned from you.

When you see that almost every time he approaches you, has a conversation, and moves on to a different person or group of people, he is directing their attention to you, he has been consistently impressed by you.

This is how you know that you are maintaining a profound impact on him.

What he is doing is using these individuals or groups to help him figure out whether you are worth pursuing romantically.

Being a gregarious and extroverted guy, he gets so much of his emotional sustenance and validation from the people around him.

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Given his personality type, he is naturally inclined to seek out their approval.

In a totally different scenario where you have discerned that this guy keeps approaching you, but only goes back to his own group every time he has finished having a conversation with you, he is the opposite of the gregarious and extroverted guy previously described.

He is more reserved, which is why he only goes back to his own group whenever he is done talking to you.

He is being motivated by the people in his group who keep telling him to go back and talk to you.

They have encouraged him to ask for your phone number or socials.

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He keeps coming back to you with the intention to do it but keeps copping out every time.

This is a guy that is most definitely interested in you but is terrified at the prospect of you turning him down if he were to ask for your phone number or socials.

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