Should I Ask My Long Distance Friend With Benefits To Pay Half Of The Ticket Price When I Visit Him?

Should I Ask My Long Distance Friend With Benefits To Pay Half Of The Ticket Price When I Visit Him?A long distance friends with benefits relationship is supposed to be a mutual exchange.

There are no strings attached, but there is a general agreement that should benefit either person equally.

You are the one who is visiting him primarily and paying the full price of the ticket to get there.

When you arrive, he gets to enjoy you as a friend with benefits in the bedroom.

Yet, it took a lot for you to get to him.

This isn’t solely about how much you are spending on a ticket to travel to visit him.

It is the amount of time and effort you are putting out to visit him.

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You have to take the time to get your personal belongings together, buy your ticket, get to the station, travel to him, etc.

Needless to say, you are going through a burdensome process to visit him.

This is a great deal of effort, and when it isn’t reciprocated in an equal fashion, it makes for a lopsided friends with benefits relationship.

It’s time to reevaluate the friends with benefits relationship.

When you are the one who is having to sacrifice the most as a friend with benefits, it isn’t a fair exchange.

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You have made it far too easy on him, and he has gotten to enjoy the friends with benefits relationship without all that much effort or sacrifice.

The lopsidedness in how much sacrifice and effort you are making has to be equalized.

This leaves him with a few options.

The first is that he travels to you as much as you travel to him.

This makes the effort and cost of the travel equally shared.

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The second is in regards to your ticket.

It isn’t enough for him to pay for half of the ticket price.

Paying for half of the ticket price doesn’t change the fact that you are the one who is physically putting in far more effort in coming to visit him.

This means that paying for half the ticket isn’t an equal exchange.

As long as you are the one who keeps visiting him, he should pay for the full cost of the ticket.

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Undoubtedly, there have been several moments as you were getting ready to visit him, where you thought that your long distance friend with benefits wasn’t being equally responsible for the logistics of the situation.

He gets to sit back, while you are doing all the work to visit him.

This is unacceptable.

When a friends with benefits relationship is lopsided, it is no longer a relationship of benefit.

With all of the work and expense you are undertaking to visit him, your time is better spent staying where you are and finding a new friend with benefits where you live.

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Make this clear to him, if he is stubborn about taking responsibility for his share of this relationship.

If he values his friends with benefits relationship with you, this is what finally forces him to realize that he has been taking advantage of you, and has to make the relationship more balanced.

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