Why Would A Guy Refuse To Give You Closure, And Instead, Just Ghosts You?

Why Would A Guy Refuse To Give You Closure, And Instead, Just Ghosts You?Giving you closure requires that he explain why he is breaking up with you.

He doesn’t want to have that sort of confrontation.

It means that he has to dig deep and ask himself why he wanted the breakup.

That requires far too much introspection.

Even if he were to think up an explanation, he knows that he would have to contend with you being emotional about the breakup.

This was an added fear of his.

Your emotional response to the breakup.

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He suspected that you would not have received the news well.

The last thing he wanted was to hear you cry and see you sad.

Having to contend with a scene like that was far too unappealing to him.

He didn’t want to be the bad guy.

The one that causes you such pain.

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At least, not to his face.

If you cry and are sad over him ghosting you, he never had to see it or hear it.

In his book, he can deny that you were ever hurt by his ghosting you.

Out of sight is out of mind.

In ghosting you, he was being selfish.

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He knew that this meant that he wouldn’t have to contend with the amount of emotional pain he would cause you by confronting you with a breakup.

He didn’t have to see any of that, which saved him from having to feel any guilt from breaking up with you.

Besides not having to confront you with an explanation, nor having to feel as though he is the bad guy by watching you break down in front of him, a guy refuses to give you closure and ghosts you when he has already emotionally come to terms with his decision to break up with you.

This is a guy that came to terms with his decision to break up with you several weeks or months before the breakup.

Being that he was already aware of this, he began the process of coming to terms with the forthcoming breakup early.

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If you think back a few weeks to a couple months ago, you are probably realizing that he wasn’t as affectionate towards you.

He wasn’t as loving or caring, and wasn’t taking you out on dates all that much.

He didn’t care to listen to you that much, and you had to repeat yourself multiple times in conversation, just to get him to acknowledge what you were saying.

The lovemaking in the bedroom was not as intense or gratifying either.

It’s as though he was going through the motions.

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A multitude of signs were there weeks to months prior that were an indication that he had emotionally withdrawn from the relationship.

On the day he ghosted you and unofficially ended the relationship, he had already done all of his emotional work beforehand.

As a consequence, he didn’t thirst for closure.

When someone is instigating a breakup with a soon-to-be ex, the breakup speech they give is as much a speech of closure for their soon-to-be ex as it is for them.

He didn’t need to give you this speech, given that he had already fully come to terms with his decision to break up with you, weeks or months ago.

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Thanks to this, he selfishly chose not to give you closure, and just ghosted you instead.

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