Why Is It So Bad With The Scammers On Online Dating Apps Now?

Why Is It So Bad With The Scammers On Online Dating Apps Now?Online dating has become mainstream.

Everyone and their dog is doing it.

What was once taboo is commonplace and part of the zeitgeist of modern day society.

You probably long for the days when online dating apps weren’t so popular.

Remember those times?

Since it was still fairly taboo in those old days, you didn’t have to worry too much about being deluged with fake dating profiles filled with sex workers and identity thieves from all over the world.

Back then, there weren’t a whole lot of people on online dating apps, so it was relatively quiet.

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You got a match or two every few days and did what you could with them.

Sometimes they worked out, sometimes they didn’t.

But there was an undercurrent of simplicity to it all.

You, and a small minority of people were taking a chance on finding love online, while the rest of world shunned it, thinking it beneath them.

Those were simpler times.

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Being that there were fewer people on dating apps at the time, the chances of being deluged by scam accounts was slim.

There were some, but nothing like it is today.

The moment you log into your online dating account today you are wondering what’s real and what’s not.

How many messages in your inbox are from real people or catfishes?

How many likes are from real people or scammers looking to scam you out of your money or identity?

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It’s sad that you have these questions every single time you are actively using a dating app.

Now that online dating apps are mainstream, the number of scammers haven’t only exponentially increased, their tactics have become that much more sophisticated.

They have had to adapt.

They have to be interminably evolving because they know that as people catch on, their scamming tricks won’t work as well as they used to.

That is why you have to keep a watchful eye as you actively use a dating app.

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The scammers’ tactics are forever evolving, so never rest on your laurels under the belief that you have seen everything there is to see in regards to scammers who have attempted to finesse you.

Stay abreast of their newest tactics.

There are government websites that are unrelentingly staying on top of scammers and their newest tactics.

Be sure to visit these government websites every two to three months to stay abreast on what the newest scamming tactics are, so that you don’t become a victim to these scammers.

Government websites for the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, Secret Service, National Cybersecurity Alliance, Federal Trade Commission, and Homeland Security, are good resources to keep you abreast of the latest scamming techniques.

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You can also do your due diligence in making sure that you only swipe on and interact with dating profiles that have checkmarks on them.

Every dating profile that you come across with a checkmark has been verified as authentic by the dating app’s security apparatus.

This keeps the scammers away from your purview, so that you have a much safer online dating escapade.

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