Why Do I Still Think Of This Guy From My Past, Even If I Love Someone New?

Why Do I Still Think Of This Guy From My Past, Even If I Love Someone New?This guy from your past had a profound emotional effect on you.

You didn’t realize at the time how strong that emotional effect was.

Now that you love someone new, it is hitting you.

You are still thinking about this guy from your past, despite the strong feelings you have for the new guy in your life.

You are thinking about this guy because he fulfilled an emotional component within you that the new guy in your life isn’t fulfilling in the relationship.

The new guy is fulfilling you in other areas emotionally, but he is lacking in a specific area that was met by the guy from your past.

This is why you have struggled to stop thinking about this guy from your past.

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The good news is that you aren’t emotionally unavailable.

There was clearly enough emotional availability within you to allow this new guy in your life to become someone you fell in love with.

That being said, a poignant issue here is that you persist in thinking about this guy from your past.

This guy from your past fulfilled an emotional component within you that the new guy isn’t.

This can become a major problem down the road when you realize that you need that specific emotional component met and the new guy isn’t doing it.

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The first thing you need to figure out is to figure out what this emotion component is.

What did this guy from your past do for you emotionally that the new guy isn’t?

You must know what this is.

Only when you know what is missing, will you know how to go about addressing the issue.

Once you have figured out what is missing, it’s time to see whether this new guy has what it takes to fulfill it.

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He might.

Without knowing what the emotional component is, he is ignorant to what you desire.

Talk to him about it.

Clearly, this emotional component is necessary in your life.

That’s why you keep thinking about this guy from your past.

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He gave it to you and it has been missing since.

The new guy in your life that you love doesn’t know what it is.

Once you describe that to him, he is sure to want to do all he can to give it to you.

After all, he loves you too.

Give it time.

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He is probably going to mess things up initially as he works on getting this emotional aspect fulfilled for you.

Thank him and be appreciative of him as he puts in the work to give you this desired emotional component.

If he is successful at doing it, you are finally going to be free of the thoughts you have about the guy from your past.

With the new guy in your life fulfilling what was missing, your mind would have no need to keep thinking about this guy from your past.

This being said, if he doesn’t succeed in fulfilling that emotional component, it doesn’t instantly spell doom for your relationship with him.

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This is where you have to adjust your mindset.

Instead of focusing on what is missing, you focus on everything else of value that this new guy is providing in your life both emotionally and materially.

Feel gratitude.

In time, your mind adjusts to not having that emotional component, being that the new guy in your life is fulfilling you in so many different areas.

This mindset and acceptance eventually gets you to stop thinking about the guy from your past.

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