Why Do A Lot Of My Guy Friends Keep Asking Me If I Am Single Every Time I Meet Them?

Why Do A Lot Of My Guy Friends Keep Asking Me If I Am Single Every Time I Meet Them?Sadly, you keep thinking that they are your guy friends in the truest sense of the word.

They aren’t.

The guys you are friends with want to sleep with you.

I know, the mere thought of sleeping with a guy friend is appalling to you.

It’s akin to a male sibling wanting to sleep with you.

Your guy friends don’t see it like that.

The thought of sleeping with you isn’t appalling to them.

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In fact, they have all thought about it at varying times throughout their so-called platonic relationship with you.

Guys are filled with testosterone.

Testosterone is a hormone that develops male secondary sexual characteristics, such as facial hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice.

It also regulates sexual libido in men.

The higher the testosterone levels in a man, the higher his sexual libido.

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Women don’t have anywhere near the testosterone levels that men do.

Testosterone levels in men are highest in their late teens and twenties.

By age 30, the levels gradually decline but still remain relatively high as men enter old age.

Testosterone is produced by the gonads in the male body and keeps getting produced until death.

This is a reason why men can father children well into their old age.

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This is what you are contending with when you choose to have a lot of guy friends.

The undeniable potency of testosterone.

It remains a constant fixture in a man’s life throughout his time on earth.

It never goes away.

This means that as long as a man finds you physically attractive, the idea of sleeping with you is never far from his thoughts, even though you are supposedly platonic friends.

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When your guy friends keep asking you if you are single every time they meet you in person, they are secretly hoping that you say you are.

The reason why these guys chose to become your friends in the first place was to win favor with you, all the while biding their time, waiting for the right opportunity.

Sadly, it was all subterfuge.

They wanted to stay in your social orbit, knowing full well that this could lead to a hookup or a romantic relationship with you in the future.

You didn’t know this.

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You believed them when they chose to become your friends, thinking that they sincerely wanted to be your friends.

They didn’t.

They have been waiting for their moment.

A moment where you become newly single and look to him as a romantic prospect or a friend with benefits.

That means that every time you have leaned on his shoulder for support and he has been there for you, it was his way of scoring points with you, anticipating a day where all of that support pays off.

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When he changed your oil or helped you move to a new apartment, he didn’t do all that out of the kindness of his heart as a platonic friend.

Every time he has gone out of his way to assist you, he had an ulterior motive to get you to date or hook up with him one day.

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