When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?

When A Guy Tells You That He Hasn't Asked You Out Yet Because You Live Kinda Far, Is It Really Only Because Of That?He is using you for whatever attention and provisions you have been giving to him.

Bearing such a selfish intent, he has no interest in taking you seriously by asking you out.

He was fully aware about how far you lived when he decided to get involved with you romantically.

Yet, he is telling you that he hasn’t asked you out yet because you live kinda far.

Alas, this isn’t true at all.

He has told you this so as to keep getting whatever benefits he has been getting out of you without having to make a commitment.

Whenever you give him your time, you are giving him privileges he hasn’t earned.

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Whenever you give him a compliment, you are giving him privileges that he hasn’t earned.

Whenever you send him sexy pics that he requests, you are giving him privileges that he hasn’t earned.

Don’t be fooled.

A guy that really cares about courting a girl with romantic potential, won’t let long distance keep him from asking her out.

He plans out a time that he can come and see her, and he makes it happen.

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Be careful.

The longer you let him talk to you from a distance and get your attention, the more susceptible you are to falling for him.

Once you fall for him emotionally, you are predisposed to making excuses for him as to why he hasn’t visited you yet.

Next thing you know, you are spending months and months talking to this guy with no indication that he will ever ask you out on an official date and come to see you.

Yes, you live kinda far, but we don’t live in the dark ages anymore.

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There is something called a plane that is quite efficient at getting people to travel from point A to point B.

It even travels over the oceans.

Additionally, there are paved roads that are built for cars and buses that he could easily use to come and see you.

Oh yes, there are trains too.

We don’t live in the horse and buggy days, with dirt roads, and no cars or planes.

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Unfortunately, in telling you that he hasn’t asked you out yet because you live kinda far, he is showing that he has no intention of coming to visit you and isn’t preparing to do so.

Not only is he making an excuse to not visit you, he is also making it clear that you aren’t worth the inconvenience and expense.

It takes planning to visit someone who lives far away, and money.

He doesn’t want to put any of this sort of investment in coming to see you.

This means that you don’t hold that much value to him.

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Save the attention you give him and provisions you have afforded him, he doesn’t value you much beyond this.

He has put the onus on you to come and see him first, which is never a good sign about how serious a man is about you.

A man that is serious and excited about you can’t wait to see you in person.

He does everything in his power to ensure that he gets to see you as soon as possible.

Whenever he talks to you, he lets you know about how he is planning to come and see you and what he is doing to make it happen.

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Without any verbal prompting from you, he is constantly telling you about how excited he is to come and see you, and how he is counting the days.

He is keeping you abreast of his thoughts and emotions as he belabors the painful reality of not having you physically by his side.

It’s almost like he is having a visceral reaction to not having your physical presence near him.

That’s how badly he wants to see you.

A guy who doesn’t care to see you is the complete opposite.

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He never mentions coming to see you unless you ask him, and then he gives excuses as to why he can’t come.

Unfortunately, this is the guy you are dealing with right now, and it is best you don’t listen to him any further and cut ties.

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