Should I Break Up With A Guy If He Has Yet To Meet My Family And We Have Been Dating For 5-6 Months?

Should I Break Up With A Guy If He Has Yet To Meet My Family And We Have Been Dating For 5-6 Months?5-6 months is more than enough time for a guy to meet your family.

In choosing not to meet them thus far, he is showing that he doesn’t see a future with you.

There is no substantive reason why he chooses not to meet your family, unless he believes that you aren’t someone he sees a long-term future with.

It doesn’t matter what he has told you.

No matter what he has said about wanting to live the rest of his life with you, none of that matters without related action.

A guy’s actions have to back up his words.

Women fall in love with what they hear.

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This speaks to their love language.

As a result, a guy who is particularly good with words easily manipulates a woman, stringing her along with his words.

Before you know it, you have fallen in love with him and he has sustained his empty promises about meeting your family.

5-6 months have transpired and he continues to not back up his empty promises to meet your family with action.

Additionally, you haven’t met his family either.

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This is further proof that he has no intention of having a long-term future with you.

The longer you stay in this relationship, the more emotionally invested in him you become.

This makes it harder for you to do what must be done in breaking up with him.

In lieu of this, you stick around, pining for him to come around.

But, he already knows that you are emotionally invested in him.

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Ergo, he takes advantage of it, continuing to delay in meeting your family and keeping you from meeting his.

The writing is on the wall.

It has been 5-6 months, which is more than enough time for him to meet your family, and for you to meet his family.

Although you have envisioned a life with this guy and invested 5-6 months in this relationship, it’s time to count your losses and break up with him.

Sticking around with the idea that somehow he changes his mind in the near future is a further waste of your time.

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The longer you stay in the relationship, the more emboldened he is to keep procrastinating on meeting your family.

It doesn’t get any better.

If you still aren’t convinced that it is time to break up with this guy, think back to what he has told you about his past relationships.

Did he ever mention that any of those women met his family and he met theirs?

He never met the families of the women he dated prior to you.

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This means that he has a pattern of this type of behavior.

People are creatures of habit.

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

A guy with a dating history where he has never met the families of the women he dated, keeps repeating that behavior.

Don’t be so arrogant to think that you are any different from these women.

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You aren’t.

It’s time you break up with him before he has taken you for such a ride that he emotionally wrecks you for life.

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