My Uni Crush Graduated And I Am So Sad That He Is Gone

My Uni Crush Graduated And I Am So Sad That He Is GoneIt’s natural to be sad when someone you have a crush on has gone.

He was your uni crush and so much of what got you up in the morning was the thought of seeing him around campus.

Now that he has graduated, it’s like there is a void where your heart used to be.

You wish you could turn back time and have him be around campus.

You wish he was in the same year as you.

That way, you get to see him for a while longer.

Alas, that isn’t your reality.

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Your uni crush has graduated and there is no denying it.

Since then, you have struggled getting to sleep.

He haunts your thoughts, which only results in keeping you awake.

As you walk through campus, there is such a sense of loneliness that overwhelms you, despite all the students that are milling about on foot, on their bikes, and on scooters.

As far as you are concerned, in these moments, you are completely alone.

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Nothing your fellow uni friends have told you to cheer you up has made you feel any better.

There is a hole in your heart and you don’t know how long it is going to take to fill it back up.

Take solace in knowing that you are not the only one who has had a uni crush that nothing came of.

There are plenty of women who have been in your position.

They had so many hopes and dreams of what could be with their uni crush that ultimately never was.

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They thought about the moment he finally asks them out on a date and what that feels like.

They thought about their first kiss with their crush.

Undoubtedly, you have had the same thoughts about your crush.

There are so many firsts that you imagined yourself being a part of with him by your side.

That dream that he asks you out one day is now up in smoke, given that he has graduated and his physical presence is now gone.

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Listen, it’s alright to feel sad right now, but this is a poignant life lesson.

Unfortunately, your uni crush never knew that you had a crush on him.

As far as he knew, you were an acquaintance on campus.

You never did much of anything to let him know that you were romantically interested in him.

Yes, I know the thought of letting your uni crush in on the fact that you like him sounds intimidating, but it is imperative, especially when there isn’t much time left before he graduates.

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Think about what has happened.

Your uni crush has graduated and he never knew that you liked him.

Wouldn’t it have been better to let him know how you felt about him beforehand?

I know that you are terrified of the idea of him not liking you back.

What does that matter?

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After all, if he didn’t like you back, it wasn’t going to be long before he graduated anyway, and you needn’t have to worry about seeing him around campus.

Telling him about how felt about him was the only right move to make in this situation.

Either that, or asking him out for a coffee or to lunch.

Rather, you kept quiet about it, forgetting that he didn’t have that much time left at uni.

Sadly, he has graduated without knowing that you had a crush on him.

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He loses out on a great girl, but doesn’t know it.

You lose out on a great guy, and know it.

That leaves you with the short end of the stick.

Learn this lesson for the next time you have a crush on someone.

Either exhibit crystal clear signs that you like him, tell him directly that you like him, or ask him out.

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This incident never has to happen again with someone else, as long as you have the courage to be more proactive about this in the future.

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