Is Suggesting To Meet At A Coffee Shop For A First Date With A Girl, Rude And Cheap?

Is Suggesting To Meet At A Coffee Shop For A First Date With A Girl, Rude And Cheap?Suggesting to meet at a coffee shop for a first date with a girl is a great idea.

It puts you in an environment that is conducive to conversation without having to worry about loud noise and people milling about.

It’s a quiet laid-back environment that prevents any sense of intimidation.

Meeting at a coffee shop for a first date with a girl is not rude.

There is nothing rude about meeting at a coffee shop for an hour or so to see whether there is free-flowing conversation and romantic compatibility.

What is rude with that?

A woman that considers a suggestion to meet at a coffee ship for a first date as rude, is far too stuck on herself.

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She is already making an assumption that she is far too good to go to a coffee shop for a first date.

She has made this determination without your input.

A courtship is a two-way street after all.

If she is already valuing herself as above it all, when you are yet to decipher whether you have romantic chemistry with her, she doesn’t care about getting your input.

As far as she is concerned, you are lucky that she is open to meeting you and gracing you with her presence.

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She has already placed far more value on herself before she has had a chance to see where you stand.

This means that she isn’t about getting to know you, and seeing whether there is romantic chemistry and mutual respect.

She is about getting the princess treatment when she hasn’t earned it yet.

Is this the sort of woman you want to date?

By regarding a meeting at a coffee shop for a first date as cheap, she believes that she deserves to be treated to an expensive date right from the outset.

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This attitude is a red flag.

It means that she expects nothing but to break your bank account at every outing, because she has a certain standard.

A standard she hasn’t earned.

Yes, a coffee date is a cheap date, but there is nothing wrong with a cheap date.

She is manipulating you into thinking that meeting her at a coffee shop for a first date means that you look at her as low value.

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This is what women like this do.

They make it seem as though you are cheapening their value by suggesting to meet at a coffee shop for a first date.

It is a manipulative tactic used to make you feel guilty.

Don’t fall for it.

It’s not like you have been talking to her for months through text messaging, phone calls, and video chats, while building a strong emotional foundation.

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No, you haven’t had that kind of experience with her.

There has been no buildup of rapport over several months which would have given you a better perspective on who you are dealing with.

You haven’t had that vantage point.

Suggesting to meet at a coffee shop for a first date makes sense.

It saves you from the risk of taking a girl out on an expensive first date that isn’t worth it.

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Given that men are the ones who primarily approach and ask women out, they are the ones who put themselves at risk of getting finessed.

Protect yourself, especially on the first date.

There are loads of girls who finesse guys by getting them to take them out on expensive first dates or foodie dates, but have no romantic interest in the guy.

If the shoe was on the other foot and women were the ones who were expected to approach and ask men out, they would be just as cautious about spending too much money on a guy they barely know on a first date.

Don’t let yourself be manipulated by a girl who hasn’t earned an expensive date with you.

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Whenever a girl gives you a hard time about meeting at a coffee shop for a first date, take that as a huge warning that she is trying to finesse you, and stop communicating with her immediately.

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