If I Ask A Girl Out And She Says, “I’ll Let You Know,” Should I Wait And Ask Her Out Again If I Don’t Hear Back From Her?

If I Ask A Girl Out And She Says, "I'll Let You Know," Should I Wait And Ask Her Out Again If I Don't Hear Back From Her?A girl that says, “I’ll let you know,” after getting asked out isn’t interested in you.

She was letting you down easy.

Those are code words for, “I have no interest in you. I hope you get it and don’t ask me out again.”

Yes, that is what she is thinking.

She doesn’t want to go out with you.

In saying she will let you know, she was saving herself from having an awkward moment.

Giving you a straight rejection is apt to upset or sadden you, which all makes for an awkward moment.

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She chooses to circumvent an awkward moment.

Girls do this a great deal.

Instead of being straightforward and telling a guy that they aren’t interested in him romantically, they use code words and phrases.

These are phrases like the one you just heard from this girl.

“I’ll let you know.”

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But there are a few alternate words and phrases women use to dodge the fact that they have no romantic interest in you, such as, “Maybe,” and “I am busy this week, but I’ll get back with you next week.”

Keep yourself abreast of these words and phrases for future reference, so that you don’t let yourself get lost in false hope when you receive an ambiguous answer from a girl upon asking her out.

There is no need for you to wait on this girl.

She isn’t romantically interested in you.

To wait on her is to give yourself false hope.

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This is precious time you should be using to talk to new girls and ask them out.

Dating is a numbers game.

If you put all of your hopes on one girl, you lose.

This is fruitless.

Instead of focusing on asking out one girl, thinking that your job is done, talk to plenty of women.

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Ask out multiple women each week.

Crossing your fingers and praying that the one girl that you have asked out says yes to going out with you is a disastrous strategy.

When you get into a pattern of asking multiple girls out during the course of a week, you dramatically multiply the chances that girls agree to go on a date with you.

These girls don’t use ambiguous words and phrases when they respond to your request.

They give you a resounding “Yes” and are visibly excited to meet you on said date.

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Adopt this strategy moving forward.

It’s true that the more girls you ask out, the more rejections you get.

Don’t let this discourage you.

As long as you approach plenty of women and play the numbers game, a small percentage are certain to agree to go on a date with you.

This is far better than asking one girl out and waiting around, praying to whatever God you worship that she gets back with you and agrees to go out with you.

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She won’t get back with you, and hearing from you again only makes things worse.

It conveys a message to her that you have no dating options.

This is a total turnoff to girls.

Girls like guys that are desired by women.

When she gets the impression that you have been waiting to hear back from her, and have now asked her out again, it lets her know that you haven’t talked to any girl but her during that time frame.

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She is turned off by this and is that much more resolute to avoid going out on a date with you.

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