How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?

How Would You Feel If A Girl You Are Interested In Tells You She Has Social Anxiety?Social anxiety is a disorder that causes someone to experience anxiety or fear in various environments.

These are environments where there are people.

No matter the number of people, there is an anxiety or fear of being critiqued, evaluated, and judged.

This anxiety and fear is present when she is speaking in public, meeting new people, or going out on dates.

It’s there when she is at a job interview, answering a question that has been asked of her at work or in a classroom, or talking to a store clerk.

It’s within her wherever there are people with aplumb.

This is the summation of what social anxiety is.

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Although it sounds fairly bleak, it doesn’t mean that a girl with social anxiety can’t make for a decent girlfriend.

There are girls with social anxiety who rarely exhibit physical or psychological symptoms while they are in social situations.

These are the girls with mild to moderate social anxiety.

She speaks to a crowd of people with aplomb.

Has a fluid conversation with a store clerk.

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Answers a question at work or the classroom with alacrity.

Has a robust conversation with you at a restaurant you have taken her to on a date, in spite of the patrons or the waiter that keeps intermittently stopping by your table.

For some girls with social anxiety, they are capable of overcoming those trying moments where they are in the spotlight and show little to no physical or psychological symptoms.

It is the aftereffect of these moments that is what hits them fairly hard.

When she is no longer in the spotlight and is on her own.

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This is when her mind is racing and heart pounding.

She has to get away from people for a while.

It’s like she has completely deflated all of her energy while being in the spotlight, and now requires her alone time to recuperate and recharge.

She finds a corner to hide away from everyone else during this time.

This is a girl with mild to moderate social anxiety.

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If this girl that you are interested in has mild to moderate social anxiety, be prepared for moments where she is hard to reach on the phone, or is unavailable to go out on a date.

These are the moments where she is recuperating from having been in the spotlight for a sustained period of time, as in hours.

The more time she was out in the spotlight, the more time she requires to recuperate.

This can get frustrating when you are wooing her and she isn’t replying to your text messages or calls for a number of hours.

It’s not that she is deliberately ignoring you, she is recharging.

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She is depleted of energy and needs to be away from the noise for a while.

Once she is recharged, she is back to being the girl that has been showing an interest in you for the past few weeks.

Be prepared for these lapses when you are wooing a girl with mild to moderate social anxiety.

The girl with extreme social anxiety is the one that completely clams up in public settings and can have panic attacks.

You take her out on a date and she is incapable of having a free-flowing conversation with you, as she gets rattled and visibly uncomfortable every time a waiter comes to the table and asks about how everything is going.

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Her anxiety and fear is making her think that she is being critiqued, evaluated and judged by the waiter.

The reality is, the waiter has done nothing of the sort in his mind, he was merely doing his job.

The challenges that come with dating a girl with extreme social anxiety are exacerbated whenever you are out in public with her and around people.

She is in her element and much more comfortable in private spaces such as at her home or yours, where it is the two of you.

If you are more of an extroverted person who derives energy from frequently being around people, the girl with extreme social anxiety is more of a challenge to date.

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