How To Keep A Man Interested In You Without Turning Him Off

How To Keep A Man Interested In You Without Turning Him OffA man that is interested in you is bonding with you on several levels.

You are engaging with him in doing activities that he loves to do.

This is especially true when you are doing activities with him that nearly all girls don’t do.

Girls aren’t inclined to get underneath his car to assist him in fixing it.

They aren’t all that into playing sports with him.

They don’t care all that much about going to bike shows or tech conventions with him.

You see, when you indulge in activities with him that women aren’t naturally inclined to do, you set yourself apart.

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You pique his interest, given that he isn’t used to dating women who are open to doing these activities.

Not only are you doing these activities with him, you are exhibiting a sincere interest in them.

Don’t pretend to be interested in these activities.

A guy sees right through this, and you turn him off.

Rather, be sincerely interested in these activities.

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You don’t have to be good at them.

He doesn’t expect you to trounce him at playing chess or video games.

All he cares about is that you are exhibiting a pure interest in these activities that are primarily undertaken by men.

Furthermore, he is kept interested when you gradually reveal more about you as time goes on.

When girls really like a guy, they get carried away with their emotions and reveal far too much about themselves too soon.

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Don’t do this.

Gradually reveal more about you as time goes on.

Let him see more of your humor, wit, sarcasm, sense of adventure, intelligence, artistic skills, intuition, etc., as time goes on.

Eschew showing all of what makes you so interesting as a person in the first few days to weeks with him.

Keep him interested and intrigued by you in giving him a new facet about you every time you share time with him.

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A gradual reveal of your amazing personality and lifestyle over the span of several months keeps you interesting to him.

It makes him wonder what else you are about to show him about yourself each time you socialize with him.

You keep a guy interested in you by having a life of your own.

Oftentimes, women who get emotionally invested in a guy become too available to him, and forget about having a life of their own.

A guy gets turned off when a girl he is courting becomes so caught up in him that everything in her world becomes about him.

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It gives him the impression that she doesn’t have a life of her own.

Unlike a large amount of women, never let yourself get so caught up on a guy that you let go of your own life and make everything all about him.

Maintain an exciting and activity-filled life of your own.

Don’t be so available to him all the time.

Have moments where you aren’t available, having other plans of your own with your own activities lined up.

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This makes you so much more interesting to him.

It gives him the impression that you have a life of your own and aren’t at his beck and call.

This makes you so intriguing to him, unlike so many women who tend to get lost in their emotions when they like a guy and give up their lifestyles to make themselves completely available to him.

With having an active lifestyle of your own, he stays interested in you and motivated to keep courting you.

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