How To Get A Guy You Like To Ask You Out And Spend More Time With You

How To Get A Guy You Like To Ask You Out And Spend More Time With YouA single guy that likes a girl, and isn’t shy, wants to ask her out.

The only thing that keeps him from doing it is if he doesn’t know how the girl feels about him.

He is far likelier to ask you out when you have exhibited clear signs of romantic interest towards him.

Sometimes, a girl thinks that she has been sending romantic signals a guy’s way, when in fact, those signs have been ambiguous at best.

You can’t have it both ways.

Being subtle with your romantic signs is only going to make him either miss them or be confused by them.

Be unequivocal with your romantic cues, so that he has no doubt that you are interested in him.

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Usually, guys are the ones who take the risk in asking out a girl.

Owing to this, they want to have the strongest idea that the girl is interested in them.

Much of this is motivated by a fear of getting rejected.

Yes, plenty of guys, irrespective of their bravado, fear getting rejected.

To mitigate the risk of getting a rejection, he wants to be confident in the assumption that the girl likes him.

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When you aren’t sending the right romantic cues at him, or making your romantic cues ambiguous, he is at a loss.

He doesn’t know that you have been sending romantic cues at him this whole time, or he is misconstruing what you have been doing as acts of friendliness.

If you behave in the same friendly manner that he is used to when you are sending him romantic signals, he won’t know that you are sending him romantic signals.

Smiling at him from ear to ear won’t make a difference if that is behavior he is used to seeing you do.

The same concept applies to your body language.

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If he is used to high-fiving and play-fighting with you, he won’t think anything of it if you are doing more of it in a secret bid to get him to see that you like him romantically.

He is used to getting a little physical with you on a playful level from time to time, which means that he won’t see this extra physicality coming from your end as anything related to signs of romantic interest.

Behave differently.

Give him a compliment that you never give him.

Show an interest in a favorite pastime of his that you have never cared to know or talk about.

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Ask him questions that you never ask him about his life.

All of this adds up, and as long as you do them consistently, his mindset is inevitably shifting from one that was all about the status quo, to one of curiosity.

Thanks to your persistence in acting differently, he is fully aware that there has been a change in how you interact with him.

This is where his curiosity finally peaks and he asks you out.

In asking you out, he is gauging whether he has made the right assessment in thinking that you are interested in him.

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As long as you keep giving him that energy, he is naturally going to want to spend more time with you moving forward.

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