How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Out Of Your League?

How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Out Of Your League?There are three tiers to determining whether a guy is out of your league.

We will start with the first.

That of his physical looks.

Study the women he has dated in the past with a nonjudgmental eye.

Are they exceedingly better looking than you are?

Be candid with yourself.

As human beings, we are prone to blinding ourselves to the truth when we really like a guy.

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This is where you deny that his past girlfriends are far better looking than you are.

Don’t let your desire for this guy cloud your reasoning.

Are these girls much prettier than you?

Are they more physically fit than you?

If they are, and you see that they all have a general resemblance with one another, you know that these are the caliber of women he attracts.

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This is the first sign that he is out of your league.

Furthermore, think back to the men you have dated in the past.

How many of them had ex-girlfriends that measure up to the women that this guy attracts?

Would you say that the women your ex-boyfriends have dated in the past were generally average looking?

If that is the case, that is where you fall in the looks department.

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What number are you on the beauty scale?

Basically, on a scale of 1-10, this guy has a history of dating women who are between 8 and 10.

This puts these women at the apex of beauty.

These are the women he attracts.

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This means that to these women, he is somewhere between an 8-10 in the looks department too.

The next tier is his popularity.

Study the level of popularity of the women he has dated in the past.

Are there homecoming queens in the mix?

Are there women who have won beauty pageants?

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Are there women who have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers on social media?

When women choose a mate, they adopt a strategy of hypergamy.

This means that they date someone who is of a higher social status than themselves.

If several of these women are popular, and they dated him in the past, he is likely more popular than they are.

How popular are you?

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Have you ever been a homecoming queen or won beauty pageants?

Do you have countless followers on social media?

If you do not measure up in popularity to that of the women he has dated in the past, this is the second sign that he is out of your league.

Finally, the third tier is his level of wealth.

When you are watching a football game in the bleachers with your friends and getting burned by the sun, he is sitting in the air-conditioned suites above.

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As you are flying coach to visit your family on the holidays, he is flying first class.

While you are wearing generic brands in clothing and accessories, he is wearing luxury name brands.

In these three tiers, this is a guy that is superior to you in physical looks, popularity, and wealth.

When a guy meets this trifecta, he is completely out of your league.

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