You Want To Text Someone But You Have No Excuse, What Do You Write To Them?

You Want To Text Someone But You Have No Excuse, What Do You Write To Them?Ask about a post she recently made on her social media page.

This is where you give her a chance to expand on what her post was about.

It’s relevant to where she is at currently in her life, and feels pertinent.

This takes care of the “having no excuse” worry that you have.

As long as you follow her on social media, it makes sense to text her about what she recently posted on her social media page.

This is what you reference when you write her.

Since it’s a recent post, it is fresh in her mind.

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This makes it easier for her to get into detail about the post.

There are alternatives to texting her about her most recent post on social media, especially if you are someone who isn’t following her on social media.

Text her with a message in reference to the last time you saw her.

When you saw her last, what was the conversation about?

This is your opportunity to text her with a message that furthers that conversation by asking her a follow-up question to what she was talking to you about.

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This makes your text come off as pertinent, given that it is referencing a conversation you had with her the last time you saw her.

It takes away the “have no excuse” worry that you have about sending a text message to her.

It’s germane to a conversation you had with her last, which makes it seem like a text message that makes sense.

It impresses her too.

The fact that you remember the details of what she was talking about and you are now asking her a follow-up question about it, lets her know that you were paying attention to what she had to say.

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This makes you come off as sincere in her eyes and this is a good thing.

Alright, let’s say that you don’t follow her on social media and never had a conversation with her in the past.

In fact, you have never had a real conversation with her.

You so happened to get her phone number through a third party.

This girl basically doesn’t know you all that well, if at all.

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Send a text that references someone she knows that so happens to be a mutual friend, or a mutual event that you both attended.

This is what helps her to connect the dots if she has no idea who you are, or only knows you vaguely.

By sending a text message that references a mutual friend or event, it gives her a sense of familiarity, which keeps her from having her guard up as she reads your text message.

Did she witness a funny occurrence involving a mutual friend, or one that occurred at a mutual event?

Bring it up in your text message.

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Did she see a mutual friend get drunk and act a fool?

Did she see you almost slip and fall at a mutual event?

Opening your text message by referencing a funny occasion that was mutually witnessed, loosens her up.

It compels her to remember a funny memory, making her laugh in the process.

Women love to laugh.

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Laughter releases feel-good hormones such as endorphins and serotonin that relieves stress and relaxes her.

The key is to use a text message that references something you have in common with her as a connecting thread.

When her brain detects a commonality inside of a text message, she is much more open to the idea of spending a few minutes to chat with you.

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