If Your Ex-Boyfriend Can’t Even Look At You, Does That Mean He Never Loved You?

If Your Ex-Boyfriend Can't Even Look At You, Does That Mean He Never Loved You?On the contrary, he did love you and likely still does to an extent.

In not even looking at you, your ex-boyfriend is showing that he is unhappy about how the relationship ended.

Looking at you is a ticket to opening old wounds, and he doesn’t want that.

Guys struggle with dealing with their emotions.

In lieu of confronting their emotions, they push them aside and distract themselves with doing anything but.

Predictably, this doesn’t resolve his tumultuous emotions.

Your ex-boyfriend hasn’t resolved his tumultuous emotions in relation to his past relationship with you.

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He has placed the blame for how the relationship broke down on you.

This is how he takes away responsibility from himself for how the relationship played out.

By not looking at you, he is desperate to eschew having to grapple with how disappointed he was in how the relationship concluded.

It’s easy to misinterpret his coldness as a sign that he never loved you.

A guy who never loved you doesn’t act like this.

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Emotions are so powerful.

He has done everything in his power to quell these powerful emotions by making himself believe that he is over you.

He isn’t over you.

An ex-boyfriend that is over you doesn’t act this cold.

An ex-boyfriend that is over you has no deep-rooted emotions that he hasn’t resolved.

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He is free and clear with his thoughts.

Whether he is in a relationship with someone else or single, he isn’t carrying the weight of troubled emotions on his shoulders.

He is free of mind.

An ex-boyfriend that is over you is polite when he sees you in public.

He acknowledges you and doesn’t act as though you are an anathema to him.

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When your ex-boyfriend can’t even look at you, he is reminded that his feelings for you haven’t completely gone away.

Since the breakup, he has falsely convinced himself that he is over you, pushing his turbulent feelings into the deeper recesses of his psyche.

This is a recipe for disaster.

When he detected your presence, all of those feelings raged to the surface of his consciousness.

It didn’t end there either.

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He has been thinking about that moment since then, wondering whether you saw him not looking at you.

He is curious about what you were thinking at the time and how you feel about the relationship you had with him.

The thought about whether you have moved on to someone else is prevalent on his mind.

He doesn’t want you to move on someone else.

It’s typical of exes to not want their ex-partners to move on to someone else.

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Not until they have moved on themselves.

In not looking at you, he was demonstrating that he hasn’t moved on from you.

He isn’t dating someone else, and doesn’t have a girlfriend.

Since the breakup with you, any attempts by him to date a new girl and initiate a new relationship has failed.

That is yet another reason why he is so bitter towards you.

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He hates the fact that he hasn’t conveniently replaced you with someone else.

It means that he is incapable of gloating or parading a new girlfriend in your presence, with an intent to make you jealous.

No, there is no new girlfriend.

There is the weight of his burdensome emotions that he has to contend with, whenever you so happen to be in the vicinity, or he so happens to think of you.

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