Would You Date Someone Who’s Ill-Tempered Or With Anger Issues?

Would You Date Someone Who's Ill-Tempered Or With Anger Issues?He has had a history of being ill-tempered toward women he has dated in the past.

You aren’t the first.

A man who is ill-tempered or with anger issues has psychological issues that he hasn’t reconciled.

This is a man who is lashing out against a world he believes is against him.

It means that no matter how kind or loving you are to him, he won’t stop being ill-tempered or angry.

Women fall into a trap of their own making when think that they have what it takes to get a man like this to change and be better.

They think that by showing him a profuse amount of love and affection, they get him to change his ill-tempered or angry behavior, and become better.

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In adopting this strategy, the idea is to get him to realize that you are someone trustworthy, and in believing you are someone trustworthy, he lets his guard down and stops using anger as a defense tool.

This is a fallacy.

When you are showing all this kindness and love towards him, it only makes him believe that you are attempting to lure him into a false sense of safety and security.

His temper is what he uses to shield himself from the outside world.

As far as he is concerned, the outside world is the enemy that is working to put him down.

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When he is exposed to too much kindness and love, he thinks that you are tricking him into letting his guard down, and by so doing, disempower him.

As a reflex, he becomes that much more ill-tempered or angry.

Sadly, a man that is ill-tempered or angry gets worse the longer he is dating someone.

This leads to the inevitable, physical violence.

Anger that goes unchecked often leads to physical violence.

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He hits you out of nowhere, as he is having a verbal spat with you.

It takes you by surprise, and you are hurt by it.

At this stage, he has verbally abused you with his angry outbursts so much that you don’t realize that your self-esteem has been compromised.

This is what happens when you are dating someone who has called you names and been harshly disrespectful towards you for months or years.

You don’t realize that your self-esteem has been taking a hit.

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Up until he physically hits you.

By this point, you have endured so much mental and verbal abuse from him, you don’t realize that you have lost so much of your self-identity and self-confidence.

Once he physically hits you, there is a part of you that knows that this should be the last straw.

You talk to your family and friends about it, and they tell you to leave him.

Yet, you don’t.

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You think that there must have been something you did that warranted getting physically hit.

You tell yourself that you are so close to getting him to see how much value he has as a person, you have to stick it out.

With this misguided notion, you stay with him.

In staying, you give him a strong impression that what he did in physically hitting you was justified.

As a consequence, the verbal, mental, and physical abuse gets worse.

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When you date someone who is ill-tempered, or has anger issues, you fall into a never-ending rabbit hole of verbal and mental abuse that culminates in physical violence.

This isn’t worth it.

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