Would You Date A Person Who Flunked A Grade In School?

Would You Date A Person Who Flunked A Grade In School?There are a bevy of circumstances that lead to a person flunking a grade in school.

A guy that is in an unstable and abusive family is someone that is a ripe candidate to flunk a grade in school.

He is not growing up in a healthy environment and is frequently having to deal with a chaotic home life with poor examples as parents.

These are parents who also flunked a grade or more when they were in school back in their youth.

Parents who got poor grades in school bestow the same undisciplined peculiarities to their offspring.

Children that grow up with abusive parents who were bad students, mimic their parents and flunk grades.

In this scenario, he is a guy that was already at a disadvantage by coming from such an unstable home.

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To think that a guy who is born into this disadvantage won’t struggle in school is not being realistic.

A family like this is impoverished or lower middle class.

Meaning, a guy that has grown up in this family is more concerned with keeping his belly full than learning calculus.

Does this guy sound familiar to you?

If you are considering dating a guy who flunked a grade in school who has this family history, the reason why he flunked a grade is justifiable.

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In an alternate reality where he was born into a better family, there is a probability that he doesn’t flunk a grade in school.

This being said, if all of this does sound familiar and he is a guy that had a tough childhood, you have much bigger considerations than whether he flunked a grade or not.

A guy that was raised in a chaotic, poorly-educated, and impoverished home has a bevy of emotional scars that are living within him.

Be careful that you don’t get lost in how good he looks on the outside, or how charming he is.

A guy like this easily hides his shortcomings, given that he knows how much he hated growing up in the circumstances that he did, and he wants more than anything to be accepted by people.

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He is aggrieved at what he had to go through growing up.

There is pent-up resentment in him that he has never resolved.

The scary part is that you won’t see this side of him early.

He is charming, sweet, and warm, when you are first getting to know him.

Remember, a guy with this tough of a childhood wants to be accepted.

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This compels him to behave “normally” towards a girl he is interested in.

Unfortunately, the girl is lulled into this false sense of normalcy and safety that he has cultivated whenever he talks to her or takes her out on a date.

She falls for him soon after.

By this stage, he knows that he has the girl emotionally attached to him, and this is when the real person emerges.

The person who is verbally abusive, as his parents are.

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The person who is unkind, as his parents are.

The person who is unloving, as his parents are.

All of a sudden, you have gone from worrying about him flunking a grade to much worse.

He is a narcissistic abuser.

Now, I am not saying that every guy who flunks a grade in school and grows up in an abusive household is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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But it pays to learn what this guy’s family history is.

Should you choose to go out on dates with him, thread with caution and avoid becoming emotionally invested in him until you are certain that he has proven himself to be who he is making himself out to be.

This takes time, and requires a vetting process in regards to who he associates himself with as friends.

A person’s friends is a reflection of them.

A guy that has no-good friends, is no-good himself.

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