Why Am I Only Seen As Friends With Benefits Material By Guys On Dating Apps?

Why Am I Only Seen As Friends With Benefits Material By Guys On Dating Apps?These are men that are on dating apps looking to hook up.

It’s a new phenomenon for you, given that you haven’t been on dating apps for long.

The harsh reality is, plenty of men on dating apps are looking for girls to have relationships akin to that of friends with benefits.

You aren’t this type of girl, and it’s likely that ever since you began online dating you have called into question your own value as a person.

Throughout your life, you have been about serious relationships.

That is what your dating history has been like.

To be only seen as friends with benefits material by guys on dating apps is as though everything has been turned upside down.

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A world you do not recognize.

It’s natural to have this feeling when all the men that you match with on dating apps are only seeking women as friends with benefits.

Nevertheless, this behavior is much more prevalent on dating apps.

Guys on dating apps believe that it is easier to find girls for friends with benefits relationships than it is in real life.

With access to far more women online than they have ever had in real life, it’s far too easy to copy and paste a generic message and send it out to a mass of women on a dating app.

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A generic message that isn’t substantive.

Think about the messages you have received from these men.

How many of them were actually substantive?

None were.

You received a standard message that they use for every woman that they are looking to hook up with on a dating app.

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It didn’t have anything to do with what you wrote on your dating profile.

If there was any connection to what you wrote on your dating profile, it was minimal at best.

These are guys who never take the time to read a girl’s dating profile.

They are only concerned with hooking up with as many girls as they can.

In this vain, they send out the same type of message to a multitude of women on a dating app to increase their chances of getting a response.

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These men literally swipe right on every dating profile they are presented with.

Once they have matched with several women, it’s all about seeing which ones they can get to sleep with them in short order.

Whenever you receive a message from a guy that has nothing to do with what you wrote in your dating profile, take that as an instant red flag that he isn’t looking for a serious relationship, but a friend with benefits.

This has nothing to do with you as a person.

As long as the pictures you are using on your dating profile aren’t salacious and sexual, you aren’t the reason why these men are doing this.

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You are one of many women that these men are swiping right on, and sending generic messages to, with the intent of finding women to quickly sleep with.

These men are aplenty on dating apps.

Since you are seeking a serious relationship, consider using a dating app that exclusively caters to those who are seeking serious relationships.

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