Is Taking Too Long To Get Ready For A Date Ever An Issue In Relationships?

Is Taking Too Long To Get Ready For A Date Ever An Issue In Relationships?Taking too long to get ready for a date isn’t such an issue in relationships.

Basically, he becomes adaptable to how long it takes you to get ready for a date.

After taking you out on a few dates, he realizes what time frame it takes for you to get ready.

It takes a period of adjustment, given that he doesn’t know how long it takes you to get ready for a date in the first few dates he takes you on.

This means that if he keeps losing tables he books at restaurants on account of how long it has taken you to get ready for the first few dates, he adjusts.

He either finds restaurants that don’t require a booking, or he finds a different activity that isn’t so time-dependent.

Basically, a guy adapts to the girl’s behavior.

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This isn’t the first time he has had a girl take too long to get ready for a date.

Every girl has her own internal time clock for how long it takes her to get ready for a date.

Being that it is early, he doesn’t know what yours is yet.

Once he figures it out, he plans out dates in accordance with how long it takes you to get ready.

Guys who have dating experience are fully aware that girls have a tendency to take a longer period of time to get ready for a date.

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For them, it’s a quick shower, a shave, some cologne, a simple outfit, and they are ready to go.

It isn’t that quick for a woman, given all the work she puts out to make herself look a certain way.

Most guys with dating experience know this.

This makes it easier for them to not to get upset when a girl they are courting is taking too long to get ready for a date.

As long as when she is ready for the date, she looks great, he is fine.

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Don’t make a guy wait all that time for you to get ready for a date, only to come out with barely any makeup on your face, wild hair, and wearing a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and sneakers.

Guys are visual creatures.

They are primarily attracted to a woman’s physical appearance in the early stages of dating.

If you are going to keep him waiting, as you get ready for a date, make it worth his while.

When you step out, look stunning.

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This is his reward.

To visually see you looking stunningly beautiful in your getup.

As long as you please his eye whenever you are done getting ready and step out to meet him, he forgets the fact that you kept him waiting for an hour.

It’s worth it to him to have to go through that wait to see you look so good.

He is already visualizing how good he will look to everyone when he walks into the restaurant he has booked with you on his arm.

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Guys love showing up with a beautiful woman in public venues.

It’s an elevation of his social status, which in turn, boosts his ego.

Taking too long to get ready for a date isn’t an issue in relationships, as long as you make it worth the wait in how you look.

Once a guy adapts to how long it takes you to get ready for a date, he plans out future dates with that in mind.

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