Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who’s A Vegetarian When You’re Not?

Is It Challenging To Date A Girl Who's A Vegetarian When You're Not?As a vegetarian, she is sensitive and conscious of what she puts into her body.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that she is a raging lunatic about the concept of eating meat.

Your task is to confirm that she isn’t.

Making this confirmation goes a long way in letting you know how challenging it will be to date her.

In the early stages of courtship, some girls will act as though they don’t mind that you eat meat, and this is disingenuous.

Unfortunately, once you are committed and emotionally invested in her, she transforms into a zealot.

All of a sudden, she is making you out to be evil for eating meat, and coercing you into becoming a vegetarian like her.

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She hid the fact that she was a zealot while you were courting her.

She was never okay with the fact that you ate meat.

Like a wild predator, she bided her time, knowing full well that once she got you to fall for her, she would finally show her true self and coerce you into converting.

Assuming you are someone who loves meat and has no intention of ever giving it up, do your homework on this vegetarian girl.

Look into her dating and life history.

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Has she dated men who were meat eaters, and if so, how long did those relationships last?

Are there any crazy stories floating around in regards to how she forced her ex-boyfriends to denounce eating meat and convert to vegetarianism?

Is there political activism in her past in regards to protecting animals from consumption?

If there isn’t anything in her dating and life history that points to any of this, and she has been a vegetarian for years who has dated men who were meat eaters, you are in the clear.

There are women who are vegetarians who have no issue with the fact that you eat meat.

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She isn’t a lunatic.

She hasn’t made it her life’s mission to save the animals.

Being a vegetarian isn’t a political ideology or moral compass for her.

She simply prefers eating vegetables for her own personal reasons.

Sometimes, these are women whose bodies don’t process meat all that well without getting a stomachache.

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Other times, these are women whose bodies can process meat without an issue, but don’t like the taste of meat, or have some other fairly mundane reason why they don’t eat it.

A girl that is a vegetarian already knows that the majority of men are meat eaters.

If she chooses to date you, she knows full well what she is getting into.

This is especially true when she has had a history of dating men who are meat eaters.

She knows what comes with these types of relationships.

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Since you have no experience with dating a girl that is a vegetarian, don’t be afraid to ask her questions about it from the outset.

It’s important you know upfront, while in the early stages of dating, what she expects from you.

Some vegetarians are very easygoing.

They don’t wretch at the sight of meat.

They have no issue with having their vegetables mixed in with your meats in the fridge.

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But there are those who are sticklers and fanatics about it.

You need to know whether she will throw a tantrum if you so happen to slice her vegetables with the same knife you have used to slice your meats in the past.

Having an open conversation with her from the outset let’s you know whether she is an easygoing vegetarian or a fanatical one.

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