If A Guy Says We Should Grab Coffee Sometime, Is He Suggesting A Date?

If A Guy Says We Should Grab Coffee Sometime, Is He Suggesting A Date?A guy that talks about grabbing coffee sometime is suggesting a date.

Now, don’t get overly excited that he mentioned grabbing a coffee sometime.

What he said was vague for a reason.

He is toying with the idea of grabbing coffee with you sometime, but isn’t quite there yet.

Sometimes, this has to do with the energy he has been getting from you.

When you aren’t giving him enough romantic energy, he isn’t confident enough to ask you to grab coffee unequivocally.

He has doubts.

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You haven’t been as receptive to his jokes as he has been wanting.

A few laughs here and there, but nothing that gives him clarity.

He knows that a woman that laughs at all his jokes is showing strong signs of romantic interest in him.

You haven’t been as forthcoming with the laughs.

To cast more doubt on whether you are attracted to him or not, you rarely return the compliments he gives you.

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Sometimes, you don’t acknowledge them at all.

All of this has him uncertain about how you feel about him.

He suspects that there is an attraction, but you haven’t given him enough through your body language and general disposition towards him, to make him feel confident enough to ask you out on a coffee date without ambiguity.

Needless to say, if you want a more full-throated request to meet up to grab a coffee, he needs to see more signs of interest from you.

Obviously, to do this, it’s time you laugh at all his jokes, stale or not.

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This gives him a boost to the good old ego, making him feel like there is a chance you might like him.

When he compliments you, compliment him back.

Not a safe compliment either.

If he compliments your beauty, it’s only fair to compliment his.

He throws out these compliments to see whether you reciprocate them.

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The more you reciprocate them, the more he gets the inclination that you are attracted to him.

When he teases you, tease him back.

This is playful, and guys love this.

It means that you are giving him that energy back and this is emotionally fulfilling to him.

Furthermore, initiate a few conversations with him every now and then.

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So far, you have been leaving it to him to approach you and initiate conversation.

Be a little bit more proactive.

It works in your favor to initiate a conversation with him from time to time.

This impresses him, making him think that you are putting in an effort to get to know him, and that nudges him that much closer to asking you to grab a coffee with a specific date included.

There is something else that speeds this up.

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Amid matching his energy every time he engages in conversation with you, leave a little nugget at the end of every conversation that hints at your availability.

Do this with subtlety.

Saying words like, “I can’t wait for the weekend. Gonna hang out with my doggie and binge watch X show.”

This is how you are hinting at him that your weekend isn’t busy, without being too obvious about it.

As long as you keep doing all of this over a sustained period of time, he is finally satisfied that he has received enough signs of interest from you.

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This is when he asks you to grab that coffee and gives you a specific date for it.

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