Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?

Do Men Actually Regret Losing A Good Girl Who Treated Them Well?Lots of men regret losing a good girl.

That is why so many men come back to girls they have left in the past.

The grass always seems greener on the other side, until he realizes it isn’t.

Men who leave good girlfriends that treated them well are looking for excitement and variety.

He has taken his good girlfriend for granted and believes he can do better.

This is often a fallacy.

A while later, many of these men end up calling and texting the good girlfriend they left, intent on getting her back.

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There is definitely regret when a man chooses to leave a good girl.

Usually, he is lured by the thrill of the chase.

Guys have a biological instinct to chase women.

Once they get her, it is almost like a lion that has captured its prey.

He eats the prey for a while, gets bored, takes a nap, and goes looking for new prey once he gets hungry.

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The guy that leaves a good girl is letting this biological instinct overtake his common sense reasoning.

He wants the thrill of the chase again.

There is a girl that seems to be interested in him at work, school, the local gym, etc., and his curiosity about her is elevated.

This is when you realize that you aren’t getting as many phone calls and text messages from him as you used to.

You are the good girl.

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The one that he has taken for granted.

There is a different girl that is piquing his interest and all he wants to do is talk to her and get to know her.

She is consistently in his thoughts.

He finally makes a move on her.

It seems promising.

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She is responding well to him.

Next thing he knows, he is asking her out on a date.

She agrees, and he is elated.

That hunger is raging.

Like a lion, he has a new prey that he is looking to conquer.

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Meanwhile, you are getting cast aside for the most part.

He is barely taking you out on dates anymore.

He doesn’t care to hang out with you as much.

He takes hours or days to reply to your text messages and phone calls.

At this stage, he is consumed with the fierce hunger of getting to conquer this new girl that has shown an interest in him and is agreeing to go out on dates with him.

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He thinks he has it made.

He thinks that this new girl is the embodiment of everything he wants in a girlfriend.

Mind you, that is what he thought you were when he was courting you in the early stages.

That feeling has been transferred to this new girl.

He is emboldened to leave you at this point, believing that this new girl is his future.

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She isn’t.

He dates her for a period of time and the gloss wears off.

She wasn’t the perfect partner as he had made her out to be in the beginning.

She has her flaws too and he is having to deal with them on a daily basis.

She has changed.

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She is nagging him and being far too clingy.

This wasn’t who she presented herself to be at the onset.

Now, he doesn’t go a day without hearing a complaint or gripe coming from her.

He panics.

What on earth did he do?

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What a colossal mistake he has made.

The grass wasn’t greener on the other side after all.

Once he arrives at this conclusion, all he wants to do is get back to your loving arms.

Those of the good girl that he ditched for this new girl who has turned out to be a dud.

That is when, months later, your phone is blowing up with his phone calls and text messages, as he desperately attempts to reestablish a relationship with you.

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