Did I Make A Mistake Confessing My Feelings To My Female Friend?

Did I Make A Mistake Confessing My Feelings To My Female Friend?You didn’t get the response you were hoping for after you confessed your feelings for your female friend.

She didn’t feel likewise and told you that she only sees you as a friend.

This wasn’t what you wanted to hear.

It has you now thinking whether you made a mistake in confessing your feelings to your female friend.

You didn’t.

Confessing your feelings for her was the right thing to do.

You should have done it sooner.

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You have liked this girl for a while and chose not to tell her until now.

Never get into friendships with women that you already know that you are physically attracted to, and want to be romantically involved with.

This puts you in a weak position where you are waiting around for her to show signs that she likes you.

The problem with this tactic is that the girl puts you in the friend category, given that you never made a romantic move on her.

She did this a while ago.

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Meanwhile, you were sticking around as her friend, clinging on to an idea that she shows that she is attracted to you eventually.

It never happened.

You are the one who finally had to confess your feelings to her.

She didn’t have you on her radar at all, in regards to looking at you as someone of romantic potential.

She had placed you in the friend category in her mind a while ago.

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Now that she has rejected you, it feels like the air has been let out of the tire.

All this time that you have been her friend, biding your time, thinking about the possibility of becoming romantically involved with her, has ended in a dud.

All that time and it ends with an unequivocal rejection.

The mistake you made in all of this was in choosing to become her friend when you already knew that you were attracted to her and wanted to be romantically involved with her.

Instead of being straightforward and telling her how you felt about her from the onset, you chose to be her friend.

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This is cowardly and misleading.

It makes her think that you want her as a friend, when in fact, you had ulterior motives for becoming her friend.

You were anticipating a day where she would tell you that she likes you, or you would have an opportune time to make a move on her.

This is disingenuous behavior.

With this confession, she thinks that you have been taking her for a ride this whole time, pretending to be her platonic friend, when in fact, all you were doing was biding your time for a moment where you got to make a romantic move on her.

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It is a good thing that you have finally confessed your feelings for your female friend, but this should have been done on the outset.

She feels betrayed right now, and you feel dejected that she rejected you.

The good news is that all of this is out in the open now, and the pretense is over.

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