What Are Some Cute “Just Because” Gifts For A Guy That You Are Dating?

What Are Some Cute "Just Because" Gifts For A Guy That You Are Dating?Guys like gifts that are especially useful.

Unlike women who love decorative gifts, getting a guy that you are dating a gift that is useful is far more effective.

This is a “just because” gift that he isn’t putting on a mantel shelf and forgetting about.

Rather, he is making use of it on a fairly frequent basis.

It makes him think about you whenever he is using it, and this puts a smile on his face.

This is how you want a guy to think of you.

You want him to smile when a gift reminds him of you, and getting him the right “just because” gift does that.

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Guys love fixing and building things.

It makes them feel manly.

That means that getting him a small toolbox comes in handy.

A small toolbox with a screwdriver, pliers, square, level, adjustable wrench, hammer, utility knife, cordless drill, level, tape measure, etc., all make for a wonderful “just because” gift.

The moment something needs tightening in his home, he is grabbing the adjustable wrench from the small toolbox you gifted him and tightening the loose joint.

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Whenever he is nailing an item to the wall or building something, he is grabbing a claw hammer from the small toolbox you got him and using it.

This goes for anything else about his home that requires building or fixing.

Men are practical in how they think.

A “just because” gift that is useful to him in fixing issues about the home is far more valuable to him than a gift for decoration that he puts on a mantel somewhere in the home.

A decorative gift is quickly forgotten the moment he turns away from where he placed in and goes about his business in the home.

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To have a lasting impression on him, get him a “just because” gift that he actually gets to use and is practical.

Besides this, guys love gifts that give them an experience.

This makes the gift far more memorable.

Even though you think that giving him that lovely decorative item you saw at your favorite home decor store would look lovely in his living room, you are better off giving him a “just because” gift that gives him an experience.

Anything he uses to decorate his living room is going to just become an extension of his overall furniture setup.

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He won’t think about it all that often when he is sitting down to watch a football game on TV even though it is right there on a nearby shelf.

That decorative gift becomes a part of his overall furniture setup, falling into the periphery of his vision, forgotten.

Rather, get him a “just because” gift that gives him an experience.

Guys love sports.

Buy him a ticket to go see his favorite sports team, and sports memorabilia for that team.

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This gives him both an experience and an item in sports memorabilia to commemorate the occasion.

You have given him a fantastic memory by getting him a ticket to go see his favorite team, which will put a smile on his face every time he watches his favorite sports team on TV or is talking sports with his buddies.

In these moments, he remembers when he got to see them live, and you were the reason for it.

That puts a smile on his face.

Additionally, the sports memorabilia you got him for his favorite sports team is an item he cherishes forever.

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It means more to him than any decorative gift you were thinking about getting for him.

Sports memorabilia of a team he has had a love and passion for since he was a child, gives him an emotional rush that is filled with nostalgia every time he sees it.

No decorative gift compares to this.

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