A Coworker Ghosted Me After I Asked Her Out On A Date By Text

A Coworker Ghosted Me After I Asked Her Out On A Date By TextYou thought you saw all of the signs of interest prior to asking her out by text.

As your coworker, she is so nice to you at work.

Conversations you have with her are spirited and fun.

She greets you enthusiastically whenever you see her.

She has given you kindhearted compliments too.

With all of these signs, you believed the time was right to finally ask her out on a date.

You did, and since then it has been nothing but silence.

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It has been days and she hasn’t replied to your text message.

She has ghosted you, and you are befuddled.

As far as you were concerned, she had been giving you all the right signs of romantic interest.

When you sent her the text message, you were confident about getting a positive response from her.

Not only have you not received a positive response, you haven’t received any response.

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It has made you curious about how to go about handling her at work.

Do you ignore the fact that she hasn’t replied to your text message and act as though nothing happened?

Do you bring up the fact that you texted her about going out on date?

It’s natural to have these questions in mind when a coworker hasn’t replied to a text message of the nature that you sent.

The truth is, she sees you as someone she is friendly with at work and nothing more.

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Being that you are attracted to her, you have been looking for signs from her that she likes you.

This makes you hypervigilant to her body language.

Whenever she smiles at you, you immediately count that as a sign that she likes you.

Whenever she touches you, you immediately count that as a sign that she likes you.

Whenever she gives you a compliment, you immediately count that as a sign that she likes you.

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In normal circumstances, a combination of these signs makes it likely that a woman is romantically interested in you.

Unfortunately, in your case, there is a caveat.

She is someone you see at work.

The workplace has its own set of rules.

A woman that gives a guy all this positive body language at work is often motivated by the fact that she sees him at work.

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In this environment, there is a level of decorum expected between coworkers.

She can’t escape the reality that she is going to see these men at work.

To maintain a healthy atmosphere, she has a positive attitude.

The last thing she wants is to cultivate a negative atmosphere with people that she has to see almost every day of the week.

You aren’t the only guy she has shown positive body language to.

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If you had taken the time to observe her behavior around other men at your workplace, you would have noticed that she is just as friendly to them as she is to you.

It has been all about maintaining a healthy work atmosphere for her.

It never had to do with her liking you romantically.

When you asked her out on a date by text, she was taken aback when she read it.

She chose not to reply to it, hoping that you let it go.

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All she wants to do is get back to how it has always been with you.

A friendly relationship at work and nothing more.

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