Is Going To The Movies A Bad First Date And A Turnoff To A Girl?

Is Going To The Movies A Bad First Date And A Turnoff To A Girl?Going to the movies isn’t a bad first date, but combining it with an additional activity for a first date is the better approach.

Plan a dinner before the movie, so that you get to talk to each other and build a rapport before the movie theater.

By the time you get to the movie theater, you have a much better feel for each other and won’t feel awkward for having to sit in a movie theater in silence as the movie is playing on the screen.

Dinner and a movie is the right approach when you are thinking about going to the movies on a first date.

It covers the bases.

That of getting to know each other better through having conversation at dinner, and that of sharing an experience together, that of watching a movie.

Since girls are frequently approached by men and asked out on dates, giving her a good first impression on a first date is critical.

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It’s far too easy for a girl to be unimpressed on a first date and discard a guy.

After all, she has a bevy of men that are approaching her and asking her out on dates.

This is why what you do on a first date is pertinent.

Leaving her with a great first impression on a first date is the best result.

This doesn’t mean that you have to go all out on a first date.

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It’s more so about making it easy for her to connect with you.

Going to the movies and nothing else makes it difficult for this connection to happen.

You won’t have much time to talk to each other, and once the movie begins, there is no more talking.

By taking her to dinner first, you give her an opening to connect with you.

A movie afterward is a nice cap on it all.

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The idea of going to the movies on a first date isn’t bad, nor a turnoff to girls per se.

Nonetheless, it is better to supplement it with an activity that facilitates in establishing a connection with the girl.

If you don’t want to do dinner, and prefer sticking with going to the movies and nothing more, think about giving her a different type of movie experience.

Instead of taking her to a regular movie theater, take her to an outdoor movie theater or drive-in.

This creates a far more social environment.

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Instead of being stuck in a dark room where you have to remain silent, you are outside where you are free to talk and be fairly social with each other as the movie plays.

It’s a different approach to going to the movies.

She isn’t taken to outdoor movie theaters or drive-ins all that often by guys that ask her out on movie dates.

Doing this sets you apart from all those guys, which is good outcome for you, and scores a number of brownie points.

It means that you are thinking outside the box, rather than sticking with what would have been easy in taking her to a regular indoor movie theater.

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