She Says We Need To Part And I Don’t Know What To Do

She Says We Need To Part And I Don't Know What To DoThis was some time in the making, and there were well-thought-out reasons why she told you that she needs to part from you.

Yes, you care about her and never wanted the breakup.

Notwithstanding, right now, you are too stuck on how much you want her back in your life, instead of looking deeper into her reasoning for leaving.

Although you love her and want her back in your life, take a moment to consider why she needed to part from you.

Did you become too dependent on her company?

This is a common reason why a girl chooses to part ways with a guy.

You forget about having a life of your own, and abandon your pastimes and interests.

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Your whole world becomes all about her.

The fact that you are currently struggling to let her go, is a strong indication that she was a formidable staple in your life.

Did you make her so much of a staple that you became clingy?

A girl that tells you that she needs to part with you has thought it through beforehand.

A clingy boyfriend isn’t attractive.

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Consider something else.

How you behaved while you were courting her versus how you behaved once she became your girlfriend.

As you were courting her, were you presenting your true self?

Many a time, a guy chooses to pretend to be someone he isn’t when he is courting a girl so as to impress her.

It’s possible that while you were courting her, you gave her the impression that you were someone you really weren’t.

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Once you gave her this impression, this was the person she thought you were.

She agreed to be your girlfriend under the impression that you were the guy that you had been presenting yourself to be to her.

Pretending to be someone you aren’t while courting a woman is impossible to keep up over the long term.

Should you succeed in making her your girlfriend, it’s inevitable that the pretense collapses.

She soon realizes that your behavior has changed.

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Once she observes this new persona, it is not agreeable to her, and she chooses to part ways.

No, it doesn’t matter that you got her to care for you.

This has no bearing on whether she chooses to stay or not.

The only reason why she fell for you in the first place was based on the persona you were presenting to her.

Once she realizes that the persona was fake, she loses her feelings for you and wants out.

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Becoming too clingy or misrepresenting who you really are as you are courting a girl, are two common reasons why a girl chooses to part ways with a guy.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t do you any good to keep dwelling on wanting her to come back into your life.

Rather, think about where you went wrong.

There are circumstances where it wasn’t the guy’s fault.

This is when the woman was never ready for a relationship in the first place, still caught up emotionally on an ex.

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Or when she only agreed to become your girlfriend out of desperation and loneliness.

Nevertheless, if the reason she chose to part ways was due to bad behavior on your end, use this opportunity to make positive changes to your behavior.

This makes you a better person, and sets you up for better and more long-lasting romantic relationships in the future.

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