In this day and age, a person who doesn’t use the internet at all is a unicorn.
In all seriousness, not everyone is comfortable with using the internet.
Sometimes, this is a guy that has had a traumatic history with the internet.
The internet is the Wild West.
Anyone and everyone, especially in the technologically advanced world, has access to it.
There are people who are unhappy with their lives in the real world, and use the internet to lash out.
They get to be anonymous on the internet.
As an anonymous person on the internet, they bully or belittle without having to worry about the repercussions.
Unlike the real world, they run rampant on the internet without having to worry about losing their job or being castigated, as they would if they were doing the same thing in the real world.
When you meet a person of romantic potential who doesn’t use the internet at all, don’t be too quick to judge him.
If he has had a negative history on the internet with bullies, he has good reason to avoid that negativity in his life.
The fact that he doesn’t use the internet at all isn’t an obvious indication that he is socially inept.
Believe it or not, there are people who have a robust social life without having a presence on the internet.
He has close friends that he talks to on the phone, video chats, and meets in person.
He has hobbies and interests that he partakes in.
He has a passport that is filled with stamps from many of his travels all over the world.
A person who doesn’t use the internet at all isn’t a surefire sign of a hermit who eats chips in his parent’s basement with no life or social skills.
In the world that we live in today, the power of the internet is pervasive.
This influence is so pervasive, it seems as though everyone and their newborn baby is on the internet.
You have grown up in said world.
A world where you post about what you had for lunch on social media and receive a flurry of likes, which fuels your sense of self-importance.
A world where a day doesn’t go by without you posting a message of inspiration to your myriad of followers, that yet again, fuels a flurry of likes that boosts your sense of self-importance.
You have grown up in this world of instant self-gratification.
All the people around you have the same relationship with the internet.
They are active on social media and are rarely offline for any significant length of time.
With this as your life history, it’s easy for you to quickly judge a guy who doesn’t use the internet at all as a red flag.
As aforementioned, this isn’t necessarily true.
There are men who are perfectly socially adept that have had a bad past on the internet and choose not to use it at all as a consequence.
Unlike you, he doesn’t require the rapid self-gratification that results from a single post on what you are wearing to an upcoming party.
He already has a full social life that is offline and sufficient enough to keep him emotionally fulfilled.
If you are a girl who can’t get around the idea of dating a guy who doesn’t use the internet at all, irrespective of the reason why, this isn’t a guy for you.