Women on dating apps receive far more texts from men than the other way around.
When it is taking so long for them to respond to your texts, they are contending with a bevy of texts from different men.
A woman on a dating app isn’t typically solely chatting with one guy.
She is chatting with a significant number of men.
This means that she is at different stages of conversation with several of these men.
Naturally, she prioritizes the men that she is further along with in conversation.
She has established a good degree of rapport with these men and a date is either on the horizon, or she has already been out on a few dates with them.
Once she attends to these texts, she has to contend with all of the new texts she has received from dozens of her newest matches.
She now has a fresh batch of men that are vying for her attention.
By the time she looks through a few of them, a good amount of time has gone by.
She has a life.
She has a family, friends, hobbies, work, etc.
She doesn’t have all day to look through her newest texts.
She has to get to living her life.
This is when she logs out of the dating app and goes about her life.
If she didn’t have these moments where she gets to go back to her life and live it, she could easily stay on a dating app all day and all night.
This isn’t healthy.
She takes time out to go about living her life.
She goes to work, meets with friends and family, goes to her doctor and dentist, goes to the gym, catches up on her favorite reality TV show, and then, she is back on the dating app.
That is when she sees your text.
She opens it, smiles, and begins to construct a response.
By the time she has completed constructing her response, the dating app already knows she is back online, which prompts its algorithm to put her profile image in front of a myriad of men.
These men swipe right on her dating profile, pleased with her beauty, and excited at the thought of matching with her.
By the time she is hitting send to respond to the text that you sent her, she has received dozens of new matches.
She is right back in the rabbit hole again.
This means that she is going to be preoccupied for the next several minutes to an hour just answering her newest texts and looking through her newest matches.
Before you know it, the next text you send her in response to the one she just replied to, is taking forever to get a response from her.
None of this makes for a fun online dating experience.
To mitigate these long waits, get into a pattern of getting a woman’s phone number or alternate medium of communication soon after matching with her.
Do it in the first conversation you have with her.
If she is uncomfortable with it, she tells you that she prefers sticking to chatting on the dating app for now.
At least, you gave it a shot.
Nonetheless, you would be surprised at the number of women who are inclined to give you their alternate contact information, and by so doing, take conversation away from the dating app early.
Every time she logs into her dating app account, it’s a chaotic mess of likes and texts from men desperate to get her attention.
Amid all of this, she is conducting ongoing text conversations with multiple men.
It’s a sigh of relief for her to use a different platform to communicate with you, and not have to deal with the chaos that ensues when she logs into her dating app account.
Switching to a different platform to communicate with her, gets you out of the chaotic mess that is the dating app.
With less distraction, she is far more likely to respond to your texts in a timely fashion.
This puts you at an advantage, and gives her a reprieve.