Once you start dating someone, your single friends slowly learn that you no longer belong to them.
Your time is divided between hanging out with them, and hanging out with the new guy that you are dating.
This makes you unavailable to go on outings with them on several occasions.
Absence causes emotional detachment.
Your single friends are used to you being in the group whenever they go shopping, eating, drinking, traveling, hiking, etc.
Now that your time is divided between the new guy you are dating, and your single friends, you are not consistently available to be with them on these outings.
Whenever you are absent, you miss out on what occurred while they were shopping or enjoying a night out.
You weren’t physically there to hear the newest stories and react to them emotionally and verbally.
You didn’t get to hear firsthand that one of your friends got a promotion at work, or reached a weight goal, after months of working hard at the gym.
Without your physical presence, you don’t get to hear these updates firsthand and react to them.
You get to hear about it after the fact over the phone or on social media.
This is not the same thing as being physically there to share in these moments with your single friends.
Given this absence, your single friends become increasingly emotionally detached from you.
It happens inadvertently.
Before you know it, you aren’t being invited to these outings as much as you once were.
Given how sporadic you have been in attending these outings with your single friends, your single friends make an assumption that you are either turning down the next invite or giving them a weak confirmation.
They are getting the wiser, and this bears out in how less frequently they ask you to these outings.
On top of this, whenever they do invite you to their outings, you are not that much fun to be with.
Not like you were when you were single.
You are too consumed with the new guy you are dating.
Instead of talking to them about what is going on in their lives, you are constantly talking about the new guy you are dating.
They are continuously having to listen to you talk about how great he is and what you two did recently.
You are telling them about his new project at work, his new car, the new place he moved into downtown, the birth of his niece, etc.
Unlike how you were when you were single, you are no fun.
Hearing you talk about him incessantly, when you are supposed to be hanging out with them and focusing on them, builds resentment.
They get the impression that you think that you are too good for them, now that you are dating, and that they are undesirable, given that they aren’t dating.
Sadly, it has become a bummer to have you attend their outings.
You are no longer who you were when you were single.
With all of these negatives, they choose to distance themselves from you.