It’s far too easy to ask yourself why he didn’t try harder with you and why you weren’t good enough.
After all, he had no trouble trying harder when he began dating the next girl.
All of a sudden, he is making an effort to take her out on dates which he wasn’t doing with you.
He is spending quality time talking to her on the phone and hanging out with her.
He is giving her the affection that he wasn’t giving you.
He is trying harder to ingratiate himself with her friends, unlike how he behaved with yours.
Basically, he has improved in all of the areas that he was deficient in when he was dating you.
This makes you wonder why he is trying harder with this new girl.
His inspiration is from the newness of it all.
The newness is intoxicating.
If you think back to your relationship with him during the early months, he did a lot more for you back then.
He was taking you out on dates.
Calling you far more frequently.
Hanging out with you consistently.
Running errands for you and fixing stuff about your home with vigor.
That was while the relationship was fresh and new.
He was driven to do all of this for you, based on an intention to impress you.
Once the newness of the relationship wore off, he became too complacent.
He didn’t feel all that compelled to take you out on dates as much as he once did, nor hang out with you as much.
He didn’t care to do favors or run errands for you as much as he once did.
He became far too complacent and comfortable in the relationship.
Once he got to this state of mind, his behavior became robotic.
His conversations with you were more stale and uninspired.
Like a robot, he kept repeating the same phrases.
There was rarely any freshness to the discourse, as he was much more prone to sticking with the same old topics.
It was only a matter of time before this perception of complacency eventually gave way to boredom.
Once the boredom set in, he became like a caged animal.
He was going through the motions with you, but was in desperate need of new blood in his life.
That was when this new girl showed up.
His conversations with her were exciting and intriguing.
She shared a ton of common interests with him, and laughed at his jokes no matter how funny or stale.
The questions she asked of him were compelling and insightful.
It was no surprise that he took a liking to her.
Inevitably, he dumped you for her.
Right now, it seems like he is trying harder with her than he did with you, but this is unlikely.
He is practically mirroring the same behavior he exhibited when he was dating you in the early months of your relationship with him.
She is someone new that has given him a shot in the arm.
That being said, this honeymoon period will end, just as it did when he was dating you.
Once this happens, he will be right back to being complacent again and all of his proactive behavior will dramatically fall off.