Your boss is into you, and he has shown you multiple signs of interest over a period of time.
Whether it be through sustained eye contact, overt flirting, and his close proximity to you whenever he is talking to you, his interest has been apparent.
You already know that he doesn’t treat any of the other female workers in this fashion.
He is professional with these coworkers.
He never stares at any of the other female coworkers for long, nor gets too close to them physically.
You have carefully observed him, and have no doubt that he has been showing an interest in you that he hasn’t shown the other female coworkers that you work with.
Since you already know that you like your boss, it’s time that you reciprocate the interest he has been showing towards you.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you go all-out and pounce on him whenever he comes to your desk.
However, when he flirts with you, flirt back.
When he teases you, tease him back.
When he touches you, touch him back.
Rather than overdoing it, you are matching his energy.
All of this lets him know that you are interested in him too, without putting him in a panic.
He gets into a panic if you overdo how much you like him.
It puts undue pressure on him that is intimidating.
By not overdoing it, you are reciprocating his signals of interest appropriately.
A guy is cautious before asking a woman out on a date.
He looks for several signals of romantic interest from her over a period of time before deciding on asking her out.
He does this to mitigate the chances of getting rejected by the girl.
In your case, he is also your boss.
The last thing he wants is to assume that you are interested in him, ask you out, and get turned down.
It isn’t like you are a complete stranger he so happened to see on the street or in the mall.
He is your boss.
If you turn him down, he is in an unenviable position of having to see you whenever he is at work.
He has to work with you.
There is an added fear that in falsely assuming that you are interested in him, he now has to deal with the repercussions that come with working with you every work day.
He doesn’t want to have to go to work each day dreading having to see you.
This means that in taking on the risk in asking you out, there are greater stakes for him as your boss.
By appropriately reciprocating the interest that he has been showing you at work, you embolden him to take a risk on asking you out, with a belief that you are saying yes to his request.
The sooner you reciprocate his interest, the better.
The longer you go without doing it, the more he believes that you aren’t interested in him.
This forces him to stop showing an interest in you, and you lose out on the opportunity for him to court you.
Keep something else in mind.
Although you are excited about him, don’t make the mistake of talking about his interest in you to coworkers.
This news gets around the office.
If your boss gets wind of it, he is likely backing off, out of a fear that these coworkers are thinking that he is showing you favoritism.
As you go about reciprocating his interest, be discreet about it.
Keep this between you and your boss.
This keeps you from having to worry about rumors spreading far too early about his interest in you, making it less likely that he asks you out.