A one-night stand is what he is looking for.
He hinted at it due to his uncertainty about how open you are to the idea of having a one-night stand.
Given this uncertainty, he believed it more prudent to hint at a one-night stand, as opposed to telling you outright that this is what he wants.
A one-night stand is what he has wanted from you since day one.
Sadly, you were thinking that he wanted a much more substantial type of relationship.
The thought of having a one-night stand with him never crossed your mind.
Nothing he had done prior to hinting at a one-night stand had given you any reason to believe that all he wanted was a one-night stand.
The conversations were deep, substantive, and intriguing.
He had been charming and respectful.
All of this led you to believe that he was intent on a serious relationship.
When he hinted that he was looking for a one-night stand, you were taken by surprise, since it went against all of his prior behavior.
Naturally, you realized that you were upset on the inside, considering that you had been misled into thinking that he was taking you seriously.
He has finally come clean somewhat about what he actually wants by hinting at a one-night stand, and has done this for a reason.
He is worried that in going any further with you, there is a risk that the expectations you have of him increase.
The pressures that come with an expectation that a serious relationship is forthcoming.
The more you think that you are headed for a serious relationship, the less open you are to anything but that.
He is fearful of this, and believed it best to hint at a one-night stand so as to avoid the next several weeks being misconstrued as his bid to court you and make you his girlfriend.
He knows that the more you believe that he is courting you with the purpose of making you his girlfriend, the less open you are to the thought of having a one-night stand with him.
By hinting at a one-night stand, he wants to keep the idea of him as a potential boyfriend out of your mind.
This isn’t only about a one-night stand to him.
Although he hinted at it, what he really wants is to have someone he gets to sleep with consistently on a casual basis.
This is the unfortunate trap that lies ahead if you agree to a one-night stand with him.
It’s likely you are tempted to have sex with him again.
Before you know it, a one-night stand leads to another night in bed together, and another, and so forth.
Soon, you realize that you are stuck in a situationship and have fallen for him.
Sadly, having feelings for him won’t mean anything to him.
Men are more adept than women in separating their carnal desires from their emotional desires.
This means that you are the one who is left on the hook, emotionally attached to him, while he remains completely free of any emotional attachment.
This puts you at a doubly disadvantaged position, thanks to making a miscalculation in agreeing to a one-night stand with him.
Since you are seeking a serious relationship, it is best you don’t get involved in a one-night stand, given all of its trappings.
Yes, sadly, it’s time to cut him off.