Naturally, you are worried that your boyfriend is on a boy’s trip with all his single friends and partying.
Although you want to trust him, you have heard enough stories about these trips to make you worry about what he might do while he is gone.
And this is what has you upset.
Since he has been gone, your imagination has been running wild, thinking about what he is up to, or what his single friends are tempting him to do.
You worry that you are overreacting.
Understandably, you don’t want to be that nightmare girlfriend who is overly clingy and incapable of trusting her boyfriend to go off on his own to have fun with his friends.
The fear is mostly to do with how many of his friends are single.
If he was on this trip with a bunch of married friends, you don’t believe you would be anywhere near as upset about him being on this boys’ trip.
But that isn’t the case.
He is on this boys’ trip with all of his single friends, and you are worried about what they are up to.
Are you overreacting?
It’s not that it isn’t appropriate to have a degree of discomfort about your boyfriend being away on a boys’ trip.
We are all human and have our moments of anxiety or insecurity.
If the shoe was on the other foot and you were the one on a girls’ trip with all your single friends, while he stayed behind, he would be having his reservations as well.
Nevertheless, to be upset about it, takes it too far.
You have no control over what he does with his single friends on this boys’ trip.
To this effect, there is no benefit in making yourself worry about it.
Take solace in what you know about your boyfriend’s character.
Is he known to be a loyal partner to his previous girlfriends?
Are his friends people of good character?
Do his previous girlfriends have nothing but good things to say about him?
Does he have a history of long-term relationships as opposed to casual ones?
Is he less inclined to drink heavily whenever he is in social settings?
As long as all these answers are in the affirmative, you have less to worry about.
Trust in his character.
The longer you stay upset about this boys’ trip, the greater the odds you are tempted to interfere with it.
This is when you are desperately texting, calling, or video chatting your boyfriend throughout his trip, keeping tabs on him and his whereabouts.
Even though he answers these texts, calls, and video chats, he is inclined to become irritated by them.
This is where you risk giving him the impression that you are needy, clingy, and insecure, which forces him to consider whether it is prudent to keep you as his girlfriend.
Is this what you want?
It’s time you distract yourself.
Go out with your friends and enjoy their company.
Do not talk about the boys’ trip as you socialize with them.
Doing this only puts new worrisome ideas in your head from multiple sources, exacerbating your worries.
Use this period while your boyfriend is away to become reacquainted with your hobbies and interests, or gain new ones.
Volunteer at the local animal shelter, food bank, blood bank, homeless shelter, nursing home, or local school.
Grab a jigsaw puzzle and spend the next several days putting it together.
The idea is to preoccupy your time with activities.
This keeps you from obsessing over this boys’ trip, and risking taking action that turns your boyfriend off, ruining your relationship in the process.
Take heart.
Before you know it, he is back home.
As the old adage goes, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
This boys’ trip may have an added benefit in making his absence cause you two to get closer as partners.