This was bound to happen, considering how often you two have looked at each other in the past, and the persistent sexual tension.
You have suspected that your best friend’s boyfriend has been into you for a while, and he finally confessed.
In that moment, you had no choice but to accept that you like him too.
That has put you in a quagmire.
You have been best friends with this girl for years.
You love her and want her to be happy.
Yet, you have quietly developed feelings for her boyfriend over time.
These are feelings that you wanted to keep yourself from confronting.
Now that he has confessed that he likes you, there is no point lying to yourself anymore.
You do like him.
Since he confessed, you have thought about him incessantly and what a life with him looks like.
You have visualized yourself on dates with him, walking hand in hand, kissing, etc.
All of these thoughts have been so exhilarating.
That is until you realize that you are having these thoughts at the expense of your best friend.
You know that she loves him.
Thus far, they have had a good relationship.
You have rarely ever seen them fight in your presence.
They are always so loving with each other, and already have cute pet names for each other.
You don’t want to ruin that.
Nor do you want to ruin the friendships you have with each of them.
Amid all of this, you keep thinking about him.
Since he confessed to you, there has barely been a day that he hasn’t invaded your thoughts.
Every time you get lost in those thoughts, you develop stronger emotional feelings for him.
It makes you want him more.
This dilemma has made you lose sleep and your appetite.
Furthermore, you once loved talking to your best friend on the phone for hours, and now, you are struggling to keep those conversations going without feeling guilt.
This forces you to make excuses to cut the conversations short.
There was a time that you would hang out with her for hours, but that is changing, especially when her boyfriend is present.
It’s difficult watching them be so loving to each other, when you know that he has confessed that he likes you.
What should you do?
As much as you desire an affair with your best friend’s boyfriend, don’t do it.
Human beings are naturally tempted by the forbidden fruit.
Your best friend’s boyfriend is the forbidden fruit.
And he isn’t worth the risk.
Best friends don’t grow on trees.
Your relationship with your best friend has withstood the test of time, as you have been there for each other through the best and worst of times.
You risk losing a stalwart friendship over a desire for the forbidden fruit.
Forbidden fruit, like any fruit, spoils.
This is when the thrill of attaining said fruit has tapered off, and you are left with the reality that there was never anything to the affair, but the thrill of getting with each other and fulfilling that primal desire.
Sadly, by then, it is too late.
Your best friend has gone through one of the strongest forms of betrayal and has no interest in ever looking at you as a friend again.
Is this outcome worth it to you?
Men come and go.
Best friends last a lifetime.
There are plenty of men out there who have similar looks and personality traits to that of your best friend’s boyfriend.
Find one of your own.